Tag Archives: Spinner Mason

Top Degrassi Friendships

22 Oct

Degrassi has had many friendships, and only a few have had that great chemistry, and that important definition of friendship, that definition that separates friends from family.

1.Emma and Manny


No other characters has had great chemistry like Emma and Manny. They may have had their arguments where hurtful things were said to each other but, that can’t compete with the other times where they had each other backs. They have plenty of history in their list of what makes a good friend.

2. Alli and Clare

Second greatest friendship in the show, some people may not approve of their friendship. They may be two different people, and some may agree that Alli is poison but Alli makes a great edition to Clare’s life and Clare makes a great edition to Alli’s life. They help each other in time of need, well mostly Clare, and have never have that backstabbing moment that every friendship eventually deals with.

3. Spinner and Jimmy

Boys will always be boys even after one was responsible for losing your ability to walk. Jimmy and Spinner, in its prime, have that type of relationship where one’s always bagging on the other and there’s more play fights than there are bonding. But, towards the end, the relationship matures especially when Jimmy forgives Spinner. Jimmy and Spinner showed us that a friendship can survive anything; even a shooting, one being paralyzed, and even cancer in the balls.

4. Marco and Ellie

They were an amateur version of Will and Grace. They gay stud goes out the pretty young teen but eventually turns out to be gay and they end up becoming one of the bestest friends. Ellie could turn to Marco in time of need. Marco is the chill dude that every friend can talk to and end up feeling better.

Degrassi: Top Characters

8 Jul

Degrassi has had many characters, but throughout those many characters only, a few of them have had an impact on the show. Those characters are:

. Emma Nelson

Emma is a classic Degrassi character way back from Season 1. Her character was definitely put through the ringer a couple times but she always found a way to deal with it.

2. Clare Edwards

How can you not love “Saint Clare?” Clare is someone that I would love to meet and be friends with because she is a good person and a good friend.

3. Holly J Sinclair

Holly J made a great transition from when she initially came to now. I remember how much I hated her guts but now she has grown on me. Charlotte Arnold did a great job as Holly J.

4. Paige Michalchuk

I had mixed feelings with Paige because when she first came onto the show she was this mean-spoiled-full of herself character. But, as time passed she had grown on me from when she was raped to her anxieties in College.

5. Marco del Rossi

He was the first gay Degrassi character, serving as a role model to every teen that have a sexual identity crisis. Marco’s character is loveable because he’s so sweet and gentle and really cares for his friend, being the “Go To” person to everyone.

6. Manny Santos

Manny is another classic character, she was definitely put through the ringer and has made some mistakes in the past. But, she learned to grow from those mistakes and be a much stronger person in the show.

7. J.T Yorke

He was comedic relief, and it was heartbreaking when he died. 

8. Spinner Mason

Spinner is another classic character of Degrassi. Spinner most definitely may be the only character that has made some drastic changes in his life. Spinner was this dweeb when he first started out, I didn’t care that much for his character because he didn’t seem that much important. But, as the years passed on he turned out to be one of the main characters in Degrassi.

9. Fiona Coyne

When she first came into the show, I wasn’t expecting anything much from this character. She seemed like she would be a typical female character not offering anything at all to the show. But, in Season 10 the writers decided to give Ms. Coyne a story line. Fiona is another character that really grew on me in a matter of months.

10. Eli Goldsworthy

It’s more than his mischievous good looks that make him a top character. Eli bought a dark side to Degrassi when he told Clare about his ex-girlfriend’s death. Eli might stir up some trouble in Degrassi, since he seems to be a character desperate for a love interest.

11. Darcy Edwards

Darcy was the good Christian girl that bought an innocent side to Degrassi.

12. Dave Turner 

Dave brings comedic relief and how can no one not like him. He may be somewhat annoying but in a good way. 

Degrassi Takes Manhattan: The Heat is On

20 Jul

Degrassi Takes Manhattan: The Heat is On was one of Degrassi’s best films but it was one of its worst either.

What I loved the most about the film was when they brought some of the old Degrassi cast members. For instance Emma, Manny, Jay, and Liberty it was nice to see them reunited once again.

The graduation ceremony was brief but nice. It was sad to see these kids growing up and heading off. I’m going to miss Jane, Peter, Danny, and Johnny.

The Coyne twins and Holly J are going off to NYC to spend the summer together. I’m sure they’ll find drama waiting for them soon. But, before they go off to vacation they decided to throw a bash in Declan’s house.



Degrassi wouldn’t be Degrassi without drama. The drama all started out with Spinner when he overhead a conversation between Holly J and Jane. He heard all about Jane and her affair with Declan for almost 2 weeks.

We all know Spinner and his temper. Need I remind you of Johnny DiMarco when Spinner kicked his butt in Season 7.

Spinner exploded on Jane practically humiliating her in front of everybody. Then turns around and punches Declan in the face.

Poor Jane

How long did Jane think her secret was going to be kept? This is Degrassi, no secret is kept under hush-hush. It’s bound to come out.

Emma’s Screw Up

I must say the only character I felt sorry for was Spinner. Losing the love of his life then coming back and seeing the place he works is set on fire. The Dot was set on fire due to someone’s screw up, Emma Nelson. She must’ve forgotten when Spinner told her don’t use to the sandwich maker. Poor Spinner.

Holly J Sinclair vs. Fiona Coyne


It was pretty obvious that Fiona was trying to ex out Holly J. Fiona wants Declan all to herself. But, I didn’t think she meant all to herself. That kiss was too far and we all know that. The Coyne twins must obviously have a special bond. Poor Fiona, I think little miss princess needs some counseling or something to help her out.

One story line that was pointless was Jane. Why even bother putting her in the movie? It got a little interesting when she called Spinner and Spinner broke the news to her about getting married to Emma.

That set Jane off to a little quest to stop the wedding.

Emma and Spinner!!!

Emma and Spinner!!

A Beautiful Love

I never could imagine these two kids ever getting married or even together. I disapprove of this; I wanted Emma Nelson and Sean Cameron to end up together again. But, whatever you can’t always get what you want even in TV. I feel this marriage, no this relationship was too rushed.

A kiss goodbye

I almost felt sorry for Jane, here she is trying to stop the wedding. But, changes her mind the minute she sees Spinner is happy. She had to say goodbye to the love of her life. How sad?