Tag Archives: Shark in the Water

Degrassi Season 10

24 Jun

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As Degrassi is about to enter a 10th season, they showed us a little video as a mysterious way of telling us what’s expected of Degrassi.

Some of the problems that the characters are going through are bit obvious in the video:

1. In the beginning of the video, there’s Riley who’s playing the Sledgehammer game but then comes Drew who snatches the sledgehammer and puts up a little competition for him. They obviously aren’t going to like each other.

2. Then there was Adam who is dressed up as a guy but in the mirror “he’s” seeing a girl. So, he or she may be a transvestite, he or she doesn’t know what their sex is.

3. For Instance, Fiona, Declan’s Sister, is scene putting makeup on what seems to be a black eye. It’s obvious she’s going to be a in abusive relationship.

But, there were some parts of the video that aren’t really clear, and really difficult to decipher.

1. The Sav and Holly J interaction. Sav was tied up on the spinning wheel and a knife was thrown at him. Holly J walks up to him with that big grin on her face and pulls it out. That either means that she’s going after him or that he rubbed her the wrong and she decides to take him down but missed.

2. Then, there’s Bianca who’s standing under the spotlight and it says “The Girl who Made Boyfriends Disappear.” She has a little grin on her face and the way she’s standing it’s as if she’s proud of it.

3. Anya. She;s titled as “The Two-Faced Girl” and Two-Faced is bolded in big letters. She’s holding a snake, and Snake represents evil. Anya, at first was a nice girl but I’ve seen a change in her character.

4. Jenna and KC, they’re holding hands and turned around to read, “The Girl Who Doesn’t Know Her Own Secret.” Could be endless possibilities. For starters, she could be gay or confused. She could have gotten drunk and cheated on him but doesn’t remember. I don’t think it’s drastic, like a disease. Cause then he wouldn’t have pulled away.

5. Claire and Eli, this one was a little scary to me. She’s reading the Tarot cards, she picked up the first one and it said, “The Lovers,” which in Tarot means finding someone that can’t be resisted. But then she picked up another card which said, “Death,” but in Tarot that doesn’t necessarily mean death literally it can mean a painful change.

Degrassi looks as if they’re trying to head in a different direction. They want its viewers to be intrigued, I have a feeling that Degrassi is now heading a different path.