Tag Archives: Raymond Ablack

Degrassi: I Just Don’t What to Do with Myself

8 Aug

Sav vs. His Father

Sav comes up with a well thought out plan to get the truck from his parents. He buys them tickets to a bollywood event that could take up to 5 hours. That’s enough time for them to take the car and drive to the concert. Good plan Sav.

The plan was working so far but stupid Sav had to stay for the encore. Honestly Sav, you forgot that you had to get out of there as soon as you can to get the car back to the parking lot so you’re parents don’t freak out.

As expected for every t.v show the child always gets caught, but it was unexpected the way Sav got caught. It started off with Sav getting a speeding ticket and then the cop telling him the car has been reported stolen. Poor Sav. If you hadn’t stayed for that encore then you wouldn’t have gotten caught.

The interaction between Sav and his parents touched me a little. We see Sav this kid who obeys his parents and does everything they ask him for. He messes up this once and he’s getting treated like this. He thrown away the love of his life for his parent’s dumb rules that they can throw away for his happiness. What’s more important, the rules being obeyed, or their children happiness? If you ask me as parents their head is not in the right place.

What Sav did for Eli and Adam was heroic to their eyes but to my eyes it was for nothing. Sure, you get to enjoy yourself at a concert but at the same time you loose the trust from your parents. So Sav didn’t think this whole plan through. One night of happiness compared to 2 months of misery, which one weighs more? So, next time Sav wants to do something like that again he may want to evaluate.

Jenna vs. Her Body

The second half of this plot was feasible but a plain sense of humor.

Jenna is still on a quest to loose weight even if the plan may be defective in some ways. Jenna gets her hands on the diet pills thanks to Bianca. Jenna happened to overlook the side effects one of them being pooping a lot. Seriously Jenna is loosing weight that serious.

For some straight reason Jenna wasn’t as interesting as the other two plots. Jenna just seems pathetic and it doesn’t make me feel bad for her at all. I was starting to like Jenna because I saw that she was a decent girlfriend for K.C and not some slut that likes to steal boyfriends. But, this episode should’ve been serious because it was kind of different from Emma and Toby’s storylines. There are plenty of girls who resort to that sort of stuff and the end results are serious. That could’ve been a message to all teenage girls that go through this. So they could’ve taken this episode somewhere else. But, it was a perfect way to see how insecure Jenna is.

Fiona vs. Her Loneliness

Fiona buys her pig, which is so cute (I have thing for animals-they’re so cute to play with). It was adorable to see Fiona carrying the pig in her handbag that normally isn’t done unless it’s Chihuahua or some type of small dog.

Fiona is a lonely character that needs a friend and the best way to deal with loneliness is to befriend a pet. But that cutesiness all goes down the train when Porcelina destroys Fiona’s entire apartment.

It was nice of Holly J to stop by and help Fiona to find that pig. Holly J talked some sense in Fiona when she said that Fiona is basically paying her to be her friend. Fiona needs to understand that a friend hangs out with you for who you are not for the things you buy or the things you have. That’s what Holly J is, you’re friend. So you don’t need to pay her to do anything.