Tag Archives: K.C Guthrie

Degrassi: Tears Dry on Their Own prts. 1 & 2

27 Aug

Jenna’s Pregnant!!!

Jenna getting pregnant wasn’t something expected. They didn’t really focus on their relationship intimately; I honestly thought K.C was a virgin (Jenna is obviously not a virgin-I could just tell).

That’s the problem with teenage girls they’re so quick to throw it all away not even thinking about the consequences. Girls are so busy thinking that they’re grown women but the truth is a girl isn’t ready to do what a woman does. I feel sorry for Jenna but she should’ve been smart.

K.C pushing Jenna to get an abortion is what a guy will always do to a girl. I’m glad that Jenna put her foot down and decided to keep the baby. Getting an abortion could have negative repercussions both physically and mentally. You don’t know how a girl feels after getting an abortion. I’m glad that the writers didn’t make Jenna get an abortion because that sends a horrible message to girls. You might as well say ‘You Got Pregnant? Don’t Worry an Abortion Will Solve the Problem!’ Jenna is making the right decision to keep the baby.

The fact that K.C ran out on Jenna doesn’t look good on his part. I’m sorry that Jenna has to go through this alone, with the help of her brother of course, but the writers have to show girls that not every guy is a prince charming. 95% of the time guys are most likely to abandon their child and have the mother raise it all by herself. So I commend Degrassi for doing that so it can be an eye opener for girls who are sexually active.

Connor Continues with LoveQueen16

I’m glad that Connor didn’t get hurt but in the real world there are tons of kids who do get hurt with interacting with their “online buddy.” It was total falsehood when Connor was able to get out the car; obviously most pedophiles lock the door so the kid won’t be able to get out the car. This one wasn’t a smart one as you can see.

Connor is big retard for not putting his vibes out there; I could even sense something wrong here. If it wasn’t for Dave and Wes to get there in time, before Connor actually went home with her, then Connor would’ve been in big trouble.

I would be proud to have friends that look out for you like that. They told Simpson so they can help you man and now you can see they were right. Sometimes friends can be right and sometimes they can be wrong but it’s always good to listen to other people.

Anya and Riley

I was wondering where this friendship went, it’s been ages since Anya and Riley hung out. She is one of the people that know Riley’s in the closet. I actually like Anya and Riley’s frienship better than Leia and Anya’s friendship it seems healthier.

Degrassi: Better Off Alone prt. 2

30 Jul

K.C vs His Mother

K.C’s situation with his mother doesn’t justify getting drunk with losers named Bianca and Fitz. Leaving his mother and Jenna worried all night. Honestly K.C’s freaking out over nothing, his mother hasn’t even showed one sign of using so he should let the past go. That’s the problem with juveniles they generate a lot of problems and have no regard for their parents.

K.C starts acting up on the football field and Mr. Armstrong notices something wrong. He does what a typical teacher would do which is talk to K.C and let K.C know that he can do anything to help him. Why do teachers do that? They believe have the capacity or time to aid us in need. But, really they don’t. We students aren’t so dense; we don’t actually believe that you’ll stick to your word. You’ll break your promises just like we juveniles do.

Mr. Armstrong does break his word when K.C asked him if he could testify saying that he’s better off without his mother. Gee I wonder what Mr. Armstrong has to say, he says no. He says to K.C that he’s just his coach.

K.C is so livid that he sees Mr. Armstrong’s car and keys it. He wasn’t thinking when he did that and he wasn’t thinking that he’d get caught.

Honestly I thought it was sweet of K.C to move back in with his mother. Mother is nothing without her child, so I know why his mother couldn’t let K.C stay at the group home. I was touched when K.C said that he missed his mother. See, you could always loathe someone externally but internally you know there’s a remaining piece that loves them.

Eli and Clare

Claire detects something is wrong between her parents. Her father has working a lot lately and her mom and dad have been disputing daily. She asks her mother if there’s something wrong and her mother says no. Parents we’re not dense, we can tell if there’s something wrong because we’re your children.

Eli, her man to come to for advice, persuades Claire that he should write what she’s feeling for literary assignment. Claire gets in front of the class and reads it; she gets a little emotional and couldn’t continue. Eli suggests that Claire should read that in the showcase and Ms. Dawes insists.

Claire is nervous because she can’t read this piece because her mother is there. So, she chickens out and goes home. Her mother asks her what’s wrong and Claire says this is the piece I was going to read. Her mother reads it and Claire opens up to her mother. They exchange sentiments about the situation; Claire’s mother says she’s going to talk to her husband. Good job Claire, I’m glad you were so forthcoming and got your feelings out. Thanks to Eli Goldsworthy.

Alli Breaks Dave’s Heart

Dave invites Alli to the Dot and Alli turns him down. Dave thought that when Alli was talking about her boyfriend she was talking about him. But, his heart breaks into a million pieces when he realizes that she was talking about Drew. The way Alli responded was so conceited, she whispered, “so cute.” Poor Dave, there’s better girls than Alli Bhandari.

Alli and Drew: They aren’t a Couple

Alli believes that if a guy and a girl have a make out session that automatically means they’re together. For someone to actually be your boyfriend doesn’t it have to be a mutual agreement? Doesn’t Drew have to say the ok?

I don’t even feel like wasting time examining this “relationship” because Alli annoys me so much. Can’t she just take a hint? It’s pretty obvious that Drew isn’t into her he just wants a little make out every now and then. I’m just glad he doesn’t want to get in her pants. That’ll really piss me off.

Degrassi: Better Off Alone prt. 1

29 Jul

K.C vs. His Mother

Things in K.C’s life are starting too look now but all that comes crashing down the minute his mother comes back into his life. She shows up, unexpectedly, at his football game and K.C doesn’t look excited. She hasn’t seen her son in almost 3 years, can K.C cut her some slack. A kid will never understand a parent’s love for their children.

K.C gets even more upset when the mother says she’s filing for custody. K.C believes that his mother is going to ruin his life again. But, the mother says she’s been clean. This reminds me of Eli and her mother, her mother had a drinking problem and Eli moved out to live on her own and her mother asks Eli for one more chance. But, at least Eli gave her a second chance. Why can’t K.C give his mother a second chance?

K.C feels like his hands are tied when he realizes there’s nothing he can do to stop this. He’s not even listening to his mother when she says she’s been clean for some time. Can’t he just give her one chance?

I’m guessing not since he’s searching through his mother’s apartment trying to find evidence that she’s not a fit mother. Wow K.C, you’re really going to far. No but he takes things too far once he finds a bottle of Alcohol that he’s going to lie and say his mother gave that to him. Honestly, K.C’s really pissing me off. Consider him not one of my favorite characters anymore.

Alli’s Desparation

Alli’s still going on about her little plan to get Drew, but can we say that she’s a little compulsively obsessed. Please don’t let it be a repeat of Johnny, Johnny wasn’t right for and neither is Drew in my humble opinion. Can’t she just go out with a guy like Dave?

Dave has been playing it cool, acting as if Alli is an indifference to his life. Hoping that Alli will come to him, but yet she does. Just to ask him for advice about a guy whom she’s interested in. Dave automatically assumes it’s him, (Poor Dave), but it’s not. Dave gives Alli the idea to throw a party.

Alli does throw the party and invites Drew to come. Drew does come and they were having fun playing “ I Never.” Alli kind of got her wish when they made out at the end, when everybody was gone.

Honestly Alli is going to break Dave’s heart and nobody will be there to pick up the pieces. But, will Drew break Alli’s heart, is the question we all should be asking.

Clare and Eli: a Sweet Love in the Making

Claire and Eli get paired up as partners for English class, they can both edit each other work. Claire isn’t happy with that on the outside but I’m sure on the inside she’s happy.

Things at home don’t start looking great; her parents are constantly arguing and bickering. I can smell a divorce coming; it’s always the first sign to a divorce/separation. Parents don’t understand that when you fight it damages the kid.

Claire wrote her paper for English and asks Eli to look over it. She decides that the paper isn’t good enough and can’t hand it in. Eli suggests that she cut class, at first I thought Claire wasn’t going to go along with it but I guess I was wrong. I smiled when Claire asks Eli to join and Eli gets up and joins her.

Honestly, there whole interaction was funny. Eli says the same thing that K.C says when they first met, “you care too much what people think.” Claire does the same thing and denies that she does. Both, Eli and K.C made Claire do something so embarrassing. K.C made Claire go in front of the school and sing a hymn. Now Eli makes Claire scream in the scream, making her look like a freak. What was that little moment of grabbing and holding between these two. I can smell love in the air, it’s about to reign on these two.

Degrassi:99 Problems prt. 2

28 Jul

Torres vs. Stavros

Things get a little steamier when Riley and Owen haze Drew. They took off his clothes and then tied him to a flagpole with plastic. Unfortunately, they weren’t smart to wear masks. The boys didn’t think that Mr. Armstrong or Principal Simpson would find Drew, wasn’t really a smart idea.

The one who annoyed me the most was Drew’s mother. She just kept going at it, sure every mother in the world would probably do the same thing but this is t.v world. It’s because of her Riley came clean.

Let’s talk about how for a moment Riley was about to come out of the closet, but stopped himself. I thought it was very noble of him to step up for his team so that the Panthers can play the game. But, I would’ve respected him more if he would’ve came out the closet and stop trying to hide himself out of the closet.

Riley will come out when he’s good and ready, just like Marco. He came out in Season 3’s Pride, it took people awhile to get use to it but they eventually got use to it. Even when Riley thinks he’s alone, Zane will be there helping him out after all Zane did go through what Riley was going through.

Alli and Her Dance Crew

We’re introduced to the new character Bianca, whose seems like a tough chick. She might actually be the next Alex Nunez. But anyways, Alli starts promoting her own Dance Crew called Big D Dance Crew, and Bianca is recruited. Bianca is an outstanding dancer, and she wants to whip the dance crew is in shape. It turns out she’s calling all the shots and Alli has problem with that.

Alli uses her connection with President Sav to get Big D Dance Crew to perform for the game. Bianca didn’t like that because the team wasn’t ready. Alli then admits that this whole crew is for her to get popular and get Drew as a boyfriend. She cuts Bianca from the team and then the rest of the crew leaves and quits.

So Alli did the noble thing and got in front of the school and danced by herself and Claire, the good friend that she is joined Alli and a bunch of random people joined Alli and started dancing. Good job Alli Bhandari!

Jenna’s Jealousy

Jenna’s jealousy starts kicking in when K.C’s phone keeps ringing and she takes K.C’s phone and starts snooping through it. She notices that it is the same number that’s been calling K.C’s phone. So, she did what a crazy jealous/stalker girlfriend would do and call it. She then finds out it’s K.C’s mother, see she was jealous for no reason.

Jenna is pathetic, and she thinks that every girl is into him. When really K.C’s got nothing for the girls to go crazy over, honestly he use to be the hot guy in Degrassi but within time Drew will slowly be the hot guy in Degrassi.

So hopefully Jenna and K.C break up and K.C will come crawling back to Claire.

Degrassi: 99 Problems prt. 1

27 Jul

Torres vs. Stavros

We all know Riley’s dark secret, that he is gay. He isn’t willing to come out yet because he wants a “normal” high school life. But his need for normality may cost him his boyfriend Zane. Is he willing to let that happen?

Riley wants Zane to stay away from him in public so people won’t get suspicious of them, just until football season is over. But, that all goes down the drain when Zane tries out for kicker in the football team. Riley doesn’t like that idea.

Riley has bigger fish to fry when he finds out that the new kid, Drew Torres, wants to try out for QB 1 (Quarterback). Riley and Drew are in competition for QB 1, but Drew needs to understand that he’s a rookie.

Drew overhears a conversation between Riley and Zane revealing Riley’s secret. Drew uses that secret to his advantage, since he wants QB 1. He threatens Riley, saying that if Riley doesn’t step aside of QB 1 then he will tell the whole team. Now, Riley loves football but he doesn’t want his cover to be broken also. So, it’ll be interesting to know what will Riley do?

Then, Riley asks Owen what he thinks of Drew and Owen says that he thinks Drew is a cocky and that someone needs to remind him that he’s rookie. Riley suggests that they do something to Drew to “welcome him to the team.” Obviously, knowing Riley and his temper there’s no way Drew is going to get out of this situation unscathed. But, there’s one thing that Riley hasn’t considered, Drew will still know his secret so Drew will be a threat to him.

Alli’s Poignancy

Alli’s pathetic attempt to fit in the cool group is annoying. She forgets she has Claire, sure Claire may from time to time be with her yearbook friends but Claire will always be her friend. Claire has to put with Alli and her obsession of wanting to be popular and dating hot guys again. I’m not even sure how Claire and Alli are friends.

Alli tries out for Power Squad because she wants Chantay’s life. But, Alli didn’t get in because of her feeble dancing skills. She takes to offense like a baby would do, but really Alli it’s not that serious. So, after talking to Claire Alli decides to create her own dance team that could be better than Chantay’s squad. Good luck with that, Little Bhandari.

Jenna and K.C

Well, I’m excited to see a rough patch in this so-called relationship. Jenna talks K.C into trying out for football but little does she know that every girl loves a football player. So, once K.C starts getting a lot of attention from girls Jenna starts getting jealous.

Jenna just needs to relax and stop being insecure. Sure, K.C’s phone may be ringing immeasurably and it may be a girl but at least he’s not answering it. That’s how much respect he has for you.