Tag Archives: Jimmy Brooks

Top Degrassi Friendships

22 Oct

Degrassi has had many friendships, and only a few have had that great chemistry, and that important definition of friendship, that definition that separates friends from family.

1.Emma and Manny


No other characters has had great chemistry like Emma and Manny. They may have had their arguments where hurtful things were said to each other but, that can’t compete with the other times where they had each other backs. They have plenty of history in their list of what makes a good friend.

2. Alli and Clare

Second greatest friendship in the show, some people may not approve of their friendship. They may be two different people, and some may agree that Alli is poison but Alli makes a great edition to Clare’s life and Clare makes a great edition to Alli’s life. They help each other in time of need, well mostly Clare, and have never have that backstabbing moment that every friendship eventually deals with.

3. Spinner and Jimmy

Boys will always be boys even after one was responsible for losing your ability to walk. Jimmy and Spinner, in its prime, have that type of relationship where one’s always bagging on the other and there’s more play fights than there are bonding. But, towards the end, the relationship matures especially when Jimmy forgives Spinner. Jimmy and Spinner showed us that a friendship can survive anything; even a shooting, one being paralyzed, and even cancer in the balls.

4. Marco and Ellie

They were an amateur version of Will and Grace. They gay stud goes out the pretty young teen but eventually turns out to be gay and they end up becoming one of the bestest friends. Ellie could turn to Marco in time of need. Marco is the chill dude that every friend can talk to and end up feeling better.