Tag Archives: Jenna Middleton

Degrassi: 99 Problems prt. 1

27 Jul

Torres vs. Stavros

We all know Riley’s dark secret, that he is gay. He isn’t willing to come out yet because he wants a “normal” high school life. But his need for normality may cost him his boyfriend Zane. Is he willing to let that happen?

Riley wants Zane to stay away from him in public so people won’t get suspicious of them, just until football season is over. But, that all goes down the drain when Zane tries out for kicker in the football team. Riley doesn’t like that idea.

Riley has bigger fish to fry when he finds out that the new kid, Drew Torres, wants to try out for QB 1 (Quarterback). Riley and Drew are in competition for QB 1, but Drew needs to understand that he’s a rookie.

Drew overhears a conversation between Riley and Zane revealing Riley’s secret. Drew uses that secret to his advantage, since he wants QB 1. He threatens Riley, saying that if Riley doesn’t step aside of QB 1 then he will tell the whole team. Now, Riley loves football but he doesn’t want his cover to be broken also. So, it’ll be interesting to know what will Riley do?

Then, Riley asks Owen what he thinks of Drew and Owen says that he thinks Drew is a cocky and that someone needs to remind him that he’s rookie. Riley suggests that they do something to Drew to “welcome him to the team.” Obviously, knowing Riley and his temper there’s no way Drew is going to get out of this situation unscathed. But, there’s one thing that Riley hasn’t considered, Drew will still know his secret so Drew will be a threat to him.

Alli’s Poignancy

Alli’s pathetic attempt to fit in the cool group is annoying. She forgets she has Claire, sure Claire may from time to time be with her yearbook friends but Claire will always be her friend. Claire has to put with Alli and her obsession of wanting to be popular and dating hot guys again. I’m not even sure how Claire and Alli are friends.

Alli tries out for Power Squad because she wants Chantay’s life. But, Alli didn’t get in because of her feeble dancing skills. She takes to offense like a baby would do, but really Alli it’s not that serious. So, after talking to Claire Alli decides to create her own dance team that could be better than Chantay’s squad. Good luck with that, Little Bhandari.

Jenna and K.C

Well, I’m excited to see a rough patch in this so-called relationship. Jenna talks K.C into trying out for football but little does she know that every girl loves a football player. So, once K.C starts getting a lot of attention from girls Jenna starts getting jealous.

Jenna just needs to relax and stop being insecure. Sure, K.C’s phone may be ringing immeasurably and it may be a girl but at least he’s not answering it. That’s how much respect he has for you.

Degrassi: Breakaway prt. 2

25 Jul

Holly J

Holly J’s plans for the future are down the drains. Her plans for the future is going to Yale with Declan but how is that going to happen if she’s broke. Her only friend is Fiona; she lost the election the only thing that can maybe weigh her chance in getting into Yale. I give my sympathies to Holly J because I know how that feels. To have big dreams and have them crashed by a green piece of paper called MONEY.

So, Holly J wants to see if there’s any other way to get into Yale. Ms. Sauve offers her some SAT prep courses, but the only problem with that is its cost is 2,000 dollars. Holly J is broke, so she can’t afford it.

Of course when Holly J is faced with a big problem she doesn’t think. For example, when Holly J was faced with this money problem before she ousted Mia in television, getting herself kicked off power squad.

Fiona is an idiot for letting Holly J know her password to her account. She says best friends don’t keep secrets. Yes, they do especially when money is entailed. So, Holly J pays her for SAT account with Fiona’s account. Obviously, she didn’t cover her tracks well because Fiona found out. Rich people may be quick to spend money but they always keep track of their money. With money people don’t play.

Fiona and Holly J’s Friendship

Fiona forgives Holly J instead of reprimanding her like any normal person would do. So basically Holly J gets away with a slap on the risk. These girls are in a desperate state of mind, where they need each other. Holly J finds herself without friends, maybe if she stops being controlling and demanding then people may want to stick around. Fiona didn’t really have people believe her about the whole Bobby thing only one person, Holly J. So in their subconscious minds to think they need each other. But do they really need each other?

Sav and Anya

Sav as the new President wants to come clean about the fake pregnancy. Which I must say is social suicide. Anya was very smart when she lied and said she had a miscarriage, not doing too much damage to Sav’s presidency. But, still having a miscarriage is a very serious and I don’t approve of that decision.

Once again they get back together. Their relationship is like a twisted rollercoaster, a rollercoaster that I really hate hearing about. They break up, then get back together, then break up and get back together.

Sav promises Anya that things will be different this time but they weren’t. Sav and Anya were making out in Sav’s house but Sav pushes Anya off the minute he hears his mother come in. The mother wasn’t very happy to see Anya there, so Sav makes up some lie about notes. Anya, fed up, tells the mother they were making and it’ll never happen again.

Anya ends the relationship with Sav, she said they’re not good for each other. Sav and Anya are good for each other; it’s just that Sav can’t disobey his parents. It’s not Sav that’s the problem or his parents, it’s the Islamic customs that they were raised to believe. Anya just needs to back off and find someone else that can give him what he wants.

Clare and Wesley’s Funny Encounter

The guys in gym class are wondering if Claire really did get the boob job, so they decide to send Wesley to go and find out. This scene was hilarious, as Claire thinks that Wesley wants to touch her eyes but really he grabs her boobs. I’m sure that was a very awkward scene for Aislinn Paul to do.

Clare and Jenna

I was really hoping that Claire would tear Jenna to shreds; after all she did break her and K.C up. It was very funny how Jenna automatically thought that Claire was doing it for K.C’s attention. Revealing her low self-esteem. I loved how Claire responded, saying that she didn’t need boobs to get K.C back. She got K.C before, and she looked like a nerd back then, and she can get him back if she tried

Clare and Eli

We were introduced to Eli in this episode. Claire and his encounter was very abrupt, but we will be seeing more of him soon.

Degrassi: Breakaway Prt. 1

23 Jul

Jenna and Clare


Obviously, Jenna is some big retard because nothing in Claire’s mouth came out that said boob job. Claire was talking about her eyes, not her boobs. Jenna is so stupid. This is Claire we’re talking about. She’s a good kid who wouldn’t resort that level even if that meant getting guys attention. That’s probably something Alli would do or maybe even Jenna.

Then, she has to tell K.C as if he needs to know. What sucks is that K.C is going to tell all the guys. I’m sure Jenna didn’t mean for the word to come out but it happened. I think Jenna is jealous because she knows that Claire is better for him then she is. We all think so.

Jenna is a stupid wench that needs to get over herself; it was obvious that she meant to steal KC away from Claire. She had her eyes on him from the first day she came. She ruined the next Sean and Emma.

Sav and Anya

Say hello to our new President!!

Well, I’m disappointed to say that Sav won because the reason why he won was unjust. Sure Holly J did an evil conniving thing but she has better outlooks for a president then Sav would. The only reason why Sav was even elected president was because allegedly he impregnated Anya. How will school feel knowing that their president was not a man of integrity? Honestly Sav you can’t play around with people like that.

I commend Anya for coming clean. Sav needed to know the truth before he was going to tell his parents he was sexually active. I was very surprise to see Sav forgive her instead reprimanding her like any normal person would. I think he never stopped loving her that even after all they’ve been through he continues to love her.


Fiona didn’t commit suicide on the roof; she just went there to think. I was surprise that she told Declan, kudos to her.

What I didn’t understand is why did she take those photos and posted them on twitter. Sure she ruined Bobby’s reputation but it was a little extreme.

I wasn’t surprised that Bobby played the whole nut job card. I wasn’t surprised that Declan didn’t believe Fiona.

I was very please to see Holly J telling Declan to be there for Fiona. I guess not all of her is bad. Declan then goes to see Fiona and they talk. Kudos for you Holly J!

Fiona books a flight, of course I’m not surprised it’s to Degrassi. She goes to see the only person who believed her, Holly J. I think her mother should let her stay in Degrassi, it is where she was most happiest. She can’t go back to New York, not after what Bobby has done. I think that’s what best for FiFi Coyne.