Tag Archives: Jenna Middleton

Degrassi: Don’t Let Me Get Me

13 Oct

Degrassi: Don’t Let Me Get Me

This week episode of Degrassi was so good I had to watch it every time they gave the re-run. I honestly thought the promos were just hyping it up, that it wasn’t going to be as hot as it seems. But, after watching this episode boy was I proven wrong.


Alli finds a positive in the new dress code, she feels like she can stop living a “doube life.” I found it interesting that she said that, yet they haven’t shown her changing her clothes in the school since the first season she came in.

Alli’s always trying to find a new way to restart but it ends up falling apart as the season progresses. When Alli said that I sighed because that cliché is out of touch and has no meaning. Why is it that when a girl gets dumped or recovering from a break up they always try to rebuild their lives.

Alli vs. Drew

I was proud of the fact that Alli, at first, was stepping up her ground and not giving Drew a second chance. After all, he did cheat and not to mention lied about it. It would be different if he had only kissed her but to have sexual intercourse with the girl, that’s just low. Who knows whom else she screwed around with.

Of course Adam has to come to Drew’s rescue. Telling a girl exactly what she needs to hear so she can go back to his arms. Drew spent the whole two weeks crying over you, wah wah. Drew is one of those guys that screw around with trashcans because they don’t have any self worth. If Alli was really a special girl then he wouldn’t have fell to temptation. There are guys whom many girls give them ‘open’ invitations but the guy turns it down because has common sense to know, smell and see trash.

Alli vs. Bianca

I hate it when a girl gets cheated on and they forgive the guy but they continue being abrasive to the girl. Correct me if I’m wrong but doesn’t it take to cheat. So, why is Alli willing to let Drew slide but willing to give Bianca the cold shoulder? I don’t remember Bianca forcing Drew into the boiler room or even threatening him to come. I remember Bianca gave him the option to meet her, and Drew willingly came. Alli needs to stop being dumb.

I expected Alli to go through Bianca’s phone and text EVERYONE the photos of Bianca nude. Which I thought that was wrong because that could really destroy Bianca’s reputation. It’s not her fault entirely that your boyfriend cheated on you. The blame shouldn’t just fall on Bianca. What Alli wasn’t expecting is the beat down she got from Bianca. That was entertaining.

Alli vs. The Truth

I felt sorry for Alli when her parents discovered the truth all at once. I was wondering when they were going to find out. Nothing hurts more than finding out your daughter is sexually active and has been hiding so many things from you. I’m glad Alli realized that her biggest problem is boys, cause all her drama revolves around the boyfriends. The sexting, the possible STD scare, loosing her virginity, almost hooking up with Owen, getting into a fight with Bianca, all that revolves around boys. It was nice farewell to Alli Bhandari, I hope to see her soon.


Poor Jenna, I felt bad for her when she got voted off Next Teen Star. That’s all she ever wanted, and now her dreams are crushed. Sometimes when you try to get attention the wrong way it ends up backfiring.

Degrassi: Tears Dry on Their Own prts. 1 & 2

27 Aug

Jenna’s Pregnant!!!

Jenna getting pregnant wasn’t something expected. They didn’t really focus on their relationship intimately; I honestly thought K.C was a virgin (Jenna is obviously not a virgin-I could just tell).

That’s the problem with teenage girls they’re so quick to throw it all away not even thinking about the consequences. Girls are so busy thinking that they’re grown women but the truth is a girl isn’t ready to do what a woman does. I feel sorry for Jenna but she should’ve been smart.

K.C pushing Jenna to get an abortion is what a guy will always do to a girl. I’m glad that Jenna put her foot down and decided to keep the baby. Getting an abortion could have negative repercussions both physically and mentally. You don’t know how a girl feels after getting an abortion. I’m glad that the writers didn’t make Jenna get an abortion because that sends a horrible message to girls. You might as well say ‘You Got Pregnant? Don’t Worry an Abortion Will Solve the Problem!’ Jenna is making the right decision to keep the baby.

The fact that K.C ran out on Jenna doesn’t look good on his part. I’m sorry that Jenna has to go through this alone, with the help of her brother of course, but the writers have to show girls that not every guy is a prince charming. 95% of the time guys are most likely to abandon their child and have the mother raise it all by herself. So I commend Degrassi for doing that so it can be an eye opener for girls who are sexually active.

Connor Continues with LoveQueen16

I’m glad that Connor didn’t get hurt but in the real world there are tons of kids who do get hurt with interacting with their “online buddy.” It was total falsehood when Connor was able to get out the car; obviously most pedophiles lock the door so the kid won’t be able to get out the car. This one wasn’t a smart one as you can see.

Connor is big retard for not putting his vibes out there; I could even sense something wrong here. If it wasn’t for Dave and Wes to get there in time, before Connor actually went home with her, then Connor would’ve been in big trouble.

I would be proud to have friends that look out for you like that. They told Simpson so they can help you man and now you can see they were right. Sometimes friends can be right and sometimes they can be wrong but it’s always good to listen to other people.

Anya and Riley

I was wondering where this friendship went, it’s been ages since Anya and Riley hung out. She is one of the people that know Riley’s in the closet. I actually like Anya and Riley’s frienship better than Leia and Anya’s friendship it seems healthier.

Degrassi: I Just Don’t What to Do with Myself

8 Aug

Sav vs. His Father

Sav comes up with a well thought out plan to get the truck from his parents. He buys them tickets to a bollywood event that could take up to 5 hours. That’s enough time for them to take the car and drive to the concert. Good plan Sav.

The plan was working so far but stupid Sav had to stay for the encore. Honestly Sav, you forgot that you had to get out of there as soon as you can to get the car back to the parking lot so you’re parents don’t freak out.

As expected for every t.v show the child always gets caught, but it was unexpected the way Sav got caught. It started off with Sav getting a speeding ticket and then the cop telling him the car has been reported stolen. Poor Sav. If you hadn’t stayed for that encore then you wouldn’t have gotten caught.

The interaction between Sav and his parents touched me a little. We see Sav this kid who obeys his parents and does everything they ask him for. He messes up this once and he’s getting treated like this. He thrown away the love of his life for his parent’s dumb rules that they can throw away for his happiness. What’s more important, the rules being obeyed, or their children happiness? If you ask me as parents their head is not in the right place.

What Sav did for Eli and Adam was heroic to their eyes but to my eyes it was for nothing. Sure, you get to enjoy yourself at a concert but at the same time you loose the trust from your parents. So Sav didn’t think this whole plan through. One night of happiness compared to 2 months of misery, which one weighs more? So, next time Sav wants to do something like that again he may want to evaluate.

Jenna vs. Her Body

The second half of this plot was feasible but a plain sense of humor.

Jenna is still on a quest to loose weight even if the plan may be defective in some ways. Jenna gets her hands on the diet pills thanks to Bianca. Jenna happened to overlook the side effects one of them being pooping a lot. Seriously Jenna is loosing weight that serious.

For some straight reason Jenna wasn’t as interesting as the other two plots. Jenna just seems pathetic and it doesn’t make me feel bad for her at all. I was starting to like Jenna because I saw that she was a decent girlfriend for K.C and not some slut that likes to steal boyfriends. But, this episode should’ve been serious because it was kind of different from Emma and Toby’s storylines. There are plenty of girls who resort to that sort of stuff and the end results are serious. That could’ve been a message to all teenage girls that go through this. So they could’ve taken this episode somewhere else. But, it was a perfect way to see how insecure Jenna is.

Fiona vs. Her Loneliness

Fiona buys her pig, which is so cute (I have thing for animals-they’re so cute to play with). It was adorable to see Fiona carrying the pig in her handbag that normally isn’t done unless it’s Chihuahua or some type of small dog.

Fiona is a lonely character that needs a friend and the best way to deal with loneliness is to befriend a pet. But that cutesiness all goes down the train when Porcelina destroys Fiona’s entire apartment.

It was nice of Holly J to stop by and help Fiona to find that pig. Holly J talked some sense in Fiona when she said that Fiona is basically paying her to be her friend. Fiona needs to understand that a friend hangs out with you for who you are not for the things you buy or the things you have. That’s what Holly J is, you’re friend. So you don’t need to pay her to do anything.

Degrassi: I Just Don’t What to Do with Myself

3 Aug

Sav vs. His Father

Sav wins 4 tickets and backstage passes to the Dead Hand Concert, but his excitement comes to an end when his father says no. Honestly Sav you knew this was coming, it is on Monday, which is a school night. So don’t be surprised.

Holly J comes up with this good fundraiser idea, where people put their on the car and if they let go then they’re out. Who ever is the last standing with their hand on the car wins the tickets. I was surprised to see Sav’s dad actually say yes to taking the truck.

So, Adam and Eli both won the tickets. Unfortunately Adam smashes the taillight with the Amplifier due to the fact that it was very heavy. Poor Sav, now how is going to explain this to his dad. It was very nice to see Eli and Adam give Sav the two tickets so he could sell them and get the money. He sees Bianca at the Dot and sells the tickets to her for 200$.

Sav did the right thing, which is coming clean about the taillight, and what does he get? He gets bupkis. No truck, no concert, no nothing.

Is Sav turning into a rebel for his “friends”? He’s going to take the truck to the concert even after his Dad said no.

Jenna vs. Her Body

Jenna thinks she’s fat when she can’t fit into her power squad uniform. Jenna isn’t fat she just has meat. What’s wrong with a little meat? I’m tired of girls who are skinny or fit and think they’re fat.

Jenna wants to loose a few pounds for the power squad’s calendar shoot. So, she resorts to Bianca’s suggestion of taking a pill to help her out.

I feel like this subplot could use a little more seriousness. Like with Emma and her anorexia or Toby and his bulimia. This is just a useless plot in this episode; I have nothing left to say about this plot.

Fiona vs. Her Loneliness

Fiona’s alone in her new apartment. She wants Holly J to come over but Holly J is busy trying to get into Yale. Holly J owes Fiona anyways because if it weren’t for Fiona she wouldn’t be in this SAT course.

I feel sorry for Fiona because she has no one not Declan or her mother. She’s alone in Canada living by herself. So to fill her needs she buys a pig. That’s the best way to fill the empty void is to buy a pet.

Fiona wasn’t given that much of a storyline in Season 9 just that she was dating Riley. I’m impressed by how much she’s grown on me from the past episodes. She’s one of my favorite characters in Degrassi now. Fiona Coyne has been outstanding storylines so far in this Season.

Degrassi:99 Problems prt. 2

28 Jul

Torres vs. Stavros

Things get a little steamier when Riley and Owen haze Drew. They took off his clothes and then tied him to a flagpole with plastic. Unfortunately, they weren’t smart to wear masks. The boys didn’t think that Mr. Armstrong or Principal Simpson would find Drew, wasn’t really a smart idea.

The one who annoyed me the most was Drew’s mother. She just kept going at it, sure every mother in the world would probably do the same thing but this is t.v world. It’s because of her Riley came clean.

Let’s talk about how for a moment Riley was about to come out of the closet, but stopped himself. I thought it was very noble of him to step up for his team so that the Panthers can play the game. But, I would’ve respected him more if he would’ve came out the closet and stop trying to hide himself out of the closet.

Riley will come out when he’s good and ready, just like Marco. He came out in Season 3’s Pride, it took people awhile to get use to it but they eventually got use to it. Even when Riley thinks he’s alone, Zane will be there helping him out after all Zane did go through what Riley was going through.

Alli and Her Dance Crew

We’re introduced to the new character Bianca, whose seems like a tough chick. She might actually be the next Alex Nunez. But anyways, Alli starts promoting her own Dance Crew called Big D Dance Crew, and Bianca is recruited. Bianca is an outstanding dancer, and she wants to whip the dance crew is in shape. It turns out she’s calling all the shots and Alli has problem with that.

Alli uses her connection with President Sav to get Big D Dance Crew to perform for the game. Bianca didn’t like that because the team wasn’t ready. Alli then admits that this whole crew is for her to get popular and get Drew as a boyfriend. She cuts Bianca from the team and then the rest of the crew leaves and quits.

So Alli did the noble thing and got in front of the school and danced by herself and Claire, the good friend that she is joined Alli and a bunch of random people joined Alli and started dancing. Good job Alli Bhandari!

Jenna’s Jealousy

Jenna’s jealousy starts kicking in when K.C’s phone keeps ringing and she takes K.C’s phone and starts snooping through it. She notices that it is the same number that’s been calling K.C’s phone. So, she did what a crazy jealous/stalker girlfriend would do and call it. She then finds out it’s K.C’s mother, see she was jealous for no reason.

Jenna is pathetic, and she thinks that every girl is into him. When really K.C’s got nothing for the girls to go crazy over, honestly he use to be the hot guy in Degrassi but within time Drew will slowly be the hot guy in Degrassi.

So hopefully Jenna and K.C break up and K.C will come crawling back to Claire.