Tag Archives: Jane Vaughn

Degrassi Takes Manhattan: The Heat is On

20 Jul

Degrassi Takes Manhattan: The Heat is On was one of Degrassi’s best films but it was one of its worst either.

What I loved the most about the film was when they brought some of the old Degrassi cast members. For instance Emma, Manny, Jay, and Liberty it was nice to see them reunited once again.

The graduation ceremony was brief but nice. It was sad to see these kids growing up and heading off. I’m going to miss Jane, Peter, Danny, and Johnny.

The Coyne twins and Holly J are going off to NYC to spend the summer together. I’m sure they’ll find drama waiting for them soon. But, before they go off to vacation they decided to throw a bash in Declan’s house.



Degrassi wouldn’t be Degrassi without drama. The drama all started out with Spinner when he overhead a conversation between Holly J and Jane. He heard all about Jane and her affair with Declan for almost 2 weeks.

We all know Spinner and his temper. Need I remind you of Johnny DiMarco when Spinner kicked his butt in Season 7.

Spinner exploded on Jane practically humiliating her in front of everybody. Then turns around and punches Declan in the face.

Poor Jane

How long did Jane think her secret was going to be kept? This is Degrassi, no secret is kept under hush-hush. It’s bound to come out.

Emma’s Screw Up

I must say the only character I felt sorry for was Spinner. Losing the love of his life then coming back and seeing the place he works is set on fire. The Dot was set on fire due to someone’s screw up, Emma Nelson. She must’ve forgotten when Spinner told her don’t use to the sandwich maker. Poor Spinner.

Holly J Sinclair vs. Fiona Coyne


It was pretty obvious that Fiona was trying to ex out Holly J. Fiona wants Declan all to herself. But, I didn’t think she meant all to herself. That kiss was too far and we all know that. The Coyne twins must obviously have a special bond. Poor Fiona, I think little miss princess needs some counseling or something to help her out.

One story line that was pointless was Jane. Why even bother putting her in the movie? It got a little interesting when she called Spinner and Spinner broke the news to her about getting married to Emma.

That set Jane off to a little quest to stop the wedding.

Emma and Spinner!!!

Emma and Spinner!!

A Beautiful Love

I never could imagine these two kids ever getting married or even together. I disapprove of this; I wanted Emma Nelson and Sean Cameron to end up together again. But, whatever you can’t always get what you want even in TV. I feel this marriage, no this relationship was too rushed.

A kiss goodbye

I almost felt sorry for Jane, here she is trying to stop the wedding. But, changes her mind the minute she sees Spinner is happy. She had to say goodbye to the love of her life. How sad?