Tag Archives: Drew Torres

Degrassi Spring Fever

19 Jul

Bianca vs. Her Past

Shocker? Bianca L. DeSousa has a past? Not only does she have a past, but a criminal record. Boy, is Mrs. Torres going to love this. It sucks, that Drew, who happens to be a good kid, gets sucked into the drama of his girlfriend. B should’ve come clean to her boyfriend and she should’ve known that the past never stays buried; it eventually digs right back into your life. From the moment, I saw Bianca, and she was giving Jenna those pills, I knew this girl was going to be trouble. She might not be trouble in Season 10, but she would’ve been in Season 11.

This story plot was actually very interesting. Degrassi has never touched the subject of gang violence before. I was curious to see as to what Degrassi with this topic. So many teens are involved with gangs or drug dealing businesses; it’s a sensitive matter because so many attempt to get out but they can’t because of the unwritten rule, once you are in a gang, you in it for life. Drew happened to be backed up into a wall, and he two choices to make. The first choice would’ve been to kill someone and the second choice would’ve been to go to the cops and came clean about the accidental murder.

But, in doing the right thing, he just shot himself in the foot because now Vince and the Thugs are going after him or even worse after Bianca. Drew needs to watch his back now because he broke the “No Snitch” rule. I expected this relationship to fall apart because Bianca and Drew are too different people with different values.

Fiona vs. Lesbianism

This will take some time getting use to, the same way Fiona is feeling about her revelation is the same way I’m feeling about her revelation. I feel that this was rushed; Degrassi should’ve played around with this a little more before she came clean at the end of Season 10. It confuses me a bit because Fiona never questioned her sexuality before, so why did she start now? If from the beginning, when Fiona first was introduced, and they incorporated this plot then this would’ve been okay with me. Not, that I have anything against lesbians, I always wanted Degrassi to explore more lesbian characters, but Degrassi didn’t smooth it in right.

Charlie and Fiona have great chemistry, which is a great place to start. I thought that Fiona’s timidity towards Charlie was adorable and cute. I couldn’t help but smile because she was acting like a little kid. But, then I couldn’t stop laughing when she lied to Charlie about riding a scooter, seems like something a girl would do just to impress a dude, well in this case a girl. Maybe this might be the healthiest relationship that Fiona might ever have. Before I use to think that the writers didn’t know what to do with Fiona in terms of a love life, so they pair her with anybody they could think of.

Sav vs. Small Fling

This story plot was a total flop, a waist of a script. It was a nice to see Sav finally meet somebody new but not just for a minute and then she’d be gone. Degrassi could have gone further with this plot.

Degrassi: Now or Never

28 Jun

This summer’s “Steal your Heart” promo wasn’t as creative as last year’s “Shark in the Water” promo, but it was a great video. Last year’s promo was a bit of a playful, but yet mysterious type of tone, it felt like a puzzle piece that the fans had to connect. But, this year the promo was calm, peaceful setting. What had my mind boggled was that it was a short video that didn’t reveal that much mystery toward the characters, as oppose to “Shark in the Water.” I managed to make some predictions based on the video.

Prediction #1

Alli and Dave

In the video, there’s a clip of Alli and Dave sitting next to each other, Dave has his arm around her shoulders. Usually Alli might get a bit disgusted by Dave, but in the video, she is laughing and actually enjoying it. Therefore, there might be something between Dave and Alli. It’s about time. Dave and Alli would make such a cute couple. Alli needs a romance that is innocent and sweet.

Prediction #2

Clare and Jake

The first encounter in the video is that Jake is passing by and Clare spots him. The second encounter is that Clare bumps into him and then she leans in to kiss him. It seems that Clare will be the one pursuing Jake, maybe Jake might be into her but he might not be so forthcoming.

Prediction #3

Eli and Imogen

Their interaction is confusing because Eli is talking to a girl but walks away the minute he spots Clare. As Eli is approaching Imogen, he has a smile on her face, when her back is facing him. But, the minute she turns around, he turns that smile upside down, and now Imogen is smiling. At first, I thought that Eli may have mistake Imogen for Clare, but I don’t think that’s the case. Base on the smile that Imogen had given, Imogen might be into Eli but he may want to be in to her but he can’t because she is not Clare.

Prediction #4

Bianca and Drew

Bianca starts talking to this dude, but just as friends. But, maybe he wants to be something more than friends. Drew starts seeing that Bianca’s in trouble, and as her boyfriend, he must protect her. But, maybe this dude might not be in his league of fighting. The dude fires up a gun and may want to scare Drew a little.

Anya and Holly J

There are so many possibilities with Anya’s story plot, this part of the video I have to rewind so many times to see if I come up with a reasonable prediction but, there aren’t enough details. In the video, Anya is resting on Holly J’s shoulder. Then, she is dancing in front of guys, taking off her sweater. The next time we see her, she is falling on Holly J’s arms. 

Degrassi: Don’t Let Me Get Me

13 Oct

Degrassi: Don’t Let Me Get Me

This week episode of Degrassi was so good I had to watch it every time they gave the re-run. I honestly thought the promos were just hyping it up, that it wasn’t going to be as hot as it seems. But, after watching this episode boy was I proven wrong.


Alli finds a positive in the new dress code, she feels like she can stop living a “doube life.” I found it interesting that she said that, yet they haven’t shown her changing her clothes in the school since the first season she came in.

Alli’s always trying to find a new way to restart but it ends up falling apart as the season progresses. When Alli said that I sighed because that cliché is out of touch and has no meaning. Why is it that when a girl gets dumped or recovering from a break up they always try to rebuild their lives.

Alli vs. Drew

I was proud of the fact that Alli, at first, was stepping up her ground and not giving Drew a second chance. After all, he did cheat and not to mention lied about it. It would be different if he had only kissed her but to have sexual intercourse with the girl, that’s just low. Who knows whom else she screwed around with.

Of course Adam has to come to Drew’s rescue. Telling a girl exactly what she needs to hear so she can go back to his arms. Drew spent the whole two weeks crying over you, wah wah. Drew is one of those guys that screw around with trashcans because they don’t have any self worth. If Alli was really a special girl then he wouldn’t have fell to temptation. There are guys whom many girls give them ‘open’ invitations but the guy turns it down because has common sense to know, smell and see trash.

Alli vs. Bianca

I hate it when a girl gets cheated on and they forgive the guy but they continue being abrasive to the girl. Correct me if I’m wrong but doesn’t it take to cheat. So, why is Alli willing to let Drew slide but willing to give Bianca the cold shoulder? I don’t remember Bianca forcing Drew into the boiler room or even threatening him to come. I remember Bianca gave him the option to meet her, and Drew willingly came. Alli needs to stop being dumb.

I expected Alli to go through Bianca’s phone and text EVERYONE the photos of Bianca nude. Which I thought that was wrong because that could really destroy Bianca’s reputation. It’s not her fault entirely that your boyfriend cheated on you. The blame shouldn’t just fall on Bianca. What Alli wasn’t expecting is the beat down she got from Bianca. That was entertaining.

Alli vs. The Truth

I felt sorry for Alli when her parents discovered the truth all at once. I was wondering when they were going to find out. Nothing hurts more than finding out your daughter is sexually active and has been hiding so many things from you. I’m glad Alli realized that her biggest problem is boys, cause all her drama revolves around the boyfriends. The sexting, the possible STD scare, loosing her virginity, almost hooking up with Owen, getting into a fight with Bianca, all that revolves around boys. It was nice farewell to Alli Bhandari, I hope to see her soon.


Poor Jenna, I felt bad for her when she got voted off Next Teen Star. That’s all she ever wanted, and now her dreams are crushed. Sometimes when you try to get attention the wrong way it ends up backfiring.

Degrassi: All Falls Down prts. 1 & 2

31 Aug

Drew and Bianca

How could Drew cheat on Alli with a floozy? Seriously Drew, Bianca isn’t worth it, she’s not even worth on dime. Bianca is a home-wrecking tramp that isn’t happy with her life so she has to ruin other people’s lives. The way she was flirting with Drew, that girl must have balls to ask Drew un-button her sweater. What girl does that, unless she’s dying for some sex?

I was happy for Alli because I thought she was finally going to have a healthy, stable relationship for once but Drew had to mess that up. Alli should’ve totally kicked Bianca’s ass when she had the chance. It wasn’t like she didn’t know Drew had a girlfriend, she knew what she was doing.

Drew and Alli

Drew lying to Alli about the kiss is what most boys would’ve done. But, what is so hard about coming clean and telling the truth, cause you know the truth is going to come out eventually. Which will make the fight worse? It did because Bianca made it clear that Drew and her had oral sex. Bianca is an honest whore because at least she has the guts to tell the girl what her boyfriend is afraid to tell her.

Alli and Owen

Owen is a slime ball that takes the opportunity when he sees it. He smells vulnerability and takes advantage of it. Telling Alli some b.s about how she’s worth a million dollars. Alli like the dumb idiot she is, she falls for it. Owen says he’ll pay 50$ just to hook up with her, Alli wanted to make Drew jealous so she agreed to it.

I was thinking that Alli wanted to through that whole STI scare that she went through with Johnny. Who knows whom Owen has hooked up with or even how clean he is?

Alli didn’t want to hook up with Owen but Owen wasn’t quick to let her go. Drew comes to Alli’s rescue, what a superman.

Alli vs. Mrs. Torres

Mrs. Torres has become one of the most annoying characters I’ve seen in Degrassi. She’s abrasive and condescending, she’s always up Mr. Simpson’s ass about enforcing the rules or protecting her children. The way she disregarded Alli’s hand in the beginning of the episode just because she walked in on Alli and Drew kissing. Seriously, Mrs. Torres you’re the adult, you don’t treat a girl like that ever. If she‘d gotten there a few minutes earlier then maybe she would’ve seen that Drew and Alli were studying. Then she thinks Alli was trying to do something to Drew but not even realizing the tears on Alli’s face.

Clare and Eli

Clare and Eli kiss again!! Only this time it wasn’t for some English project. He just grabbed her and kisses her and that kiss was spicy. Boy does the romance end when Eli and Clare lie to Mr. Simpson about Fitz setting up the stink bomb. When in reality it was the beloved Clare Edwards. Clare, isn’t she suppose to be a girl of integrity then why is she doing this.

Clare and Fitz

Fitz finds out it was Eli, whom had lied to Mr. Simpson. Clare goes to the dance with Fitz so Fitz won’t hurt Eli. Eli acts all nonchalantly about the whole thing but in the inside his blood is boiling in his veins. Then goes up to Fitz and threatens him and Fitz says that he’s going to sleep with her. (He looks like that type). Then he tries to convince no to go to the dance with Fitz. Eli makes things worse when he tells Clare to slip Ipecac-Lace in Fitz drink.

The Dance

Fitz meets Clare and he shows up with a corsage (so cute). Clare is trying to be a Good Samaritan by asking Fitz to burry the hatchet. Fitz agrees to burry the hatchet if Eli apologizes. The only problem with that is that Eli isn’t budging. He then changes his mind because he loves Clare. But we all can smell he had something up his red-sleeves. He suggested that they make a toast, and Clare is aware of what Eli’s trying to do so she makes them switch cups. If only Clare had known that Eli was a smart fellow, Fitz still drank the Ipecac-Laced and ended up barfing. Damn it Eli! You couldn’t swallow your pride and let things go. Not even for Clare’s sake.

Clare sees Fitz pull a knife out his locker and makes a fast getaway. Clare’s going on a wild goose chase to find Eli, she finds Adam and tells Adam to call Mr. Simpson and tell him about Fitz. She then finds Eli, who won’t back down and be scare of Fitz. Well, that didn’t happen because you were definitely scared when you were face to face with Fitz. Luckily, the cops get there to arrest Eli.

Mr. Simpson is livid, he is adamant about the lies and betrayal of trust that lies in this school. The lies: Eli and Clare and the betrayal of trust: the striptease between Holly J and Sav. He delivers an enigmatic message: “There are going to be changes, big changes. When you come back from break…you won’t recognize this school at all”

Degrassi: You Don’t know My Name prts 1 & 2

12 Aug

Alli vs. Drew

In the first portion Alli wants Drew to be her boyfriend, but Drew isn’t into labels. (What’s that all about?) Seriously another Ashley (South of Nowhere) Boys need to understand that girls want something serious; they want security. So I understand where Alli’s coming from in this conversation. I would want to know, also, where we are in this relationship. I’m tired of guys and their fear of having a girlfriend. Really guys, grow up.

Alli asks Drew to the dance but he turns her down because he has to do homework (yea….right). Seriously Alli the signs are all there, Drew doesn’t want to go to the dance with you. Why else would he make up that excuse?

Alli wasn’t thinking when she did Drew’s history assignment and handed it in. I mean teachers aren’t exactly dumb when it comes to their students. Teachers know their students’ work and obviously Drew isn’t the type to use big words. Poor Drew gets into trouble. Degrassi copies the whole Felicity storyline but changed up a few things. I don’t appreciate that.

So Drew dumps Alli, and in the next plot he wants her back. Which I saw coming because that’s what always happens? I guess the only reason why Drew got so mad at Alli was because she thought he was dumb. But, if Drew understood Alli he would’ve known that Alli was just trying to help.

He realizes what he lost when he goes out with Marisol whose boring and dumb at the same time. Copying what Drew likes, seriously? That’s like written in the handbook of how to not get a guy by changing yourself for his needs. A boy can see right throw that, poor Marisol she needs to read that handbook.

I would’ve done what Alli did at first not forgive him. But, I would act as if I didn’t forgive him so he can get down on his knees and beg. Then he could do some romantic attempt to get me back and then I’ll forgive him. Remember if a girl is that special to you then there’s no limit to flattery.

I loved at the end when Drew puts a tape on her forehead saying, “Drew’s girlfriend” and Drew putting a tape on his forehead saying, “Alli’s girlfriend.” That is the most original thing I ever heard of and I would cry if my boyfriend ever did that to me. Maybe they could be my next Sean and Emma and Darcy and Peter.

Holly J vs. Rebound

The two people I never in a million years thought could ever be was Holly J and Sav. I don’t know why but they honestly don’t look good together. Sav is better off with Anya MacPherson.

This love began when the Band Slam was cancelled and Holly J (as smart as she is) comes up with a dance, an old school dance. It’s clear to Fiona that Sav has a crush on Holly J but Holly J is in denial. Aren’t we always in denial when someone is so right for us?

I’m still upset about the breakup between Declan and Holly J. I can’t picture Holly J without Declan Coyne by her side. But, I guess there were never meant to be. Sucks when you think you’re in love but you find out that it’s best for you two to part your separate ways.

So they kissed when they were inhaling the helium from the balloons. I found this scene to be surreal because they’re laughing and playing around with helium and all of a sudden they kiss. Did Sav really think it was the right moment to kiss someone? I would be infuriated if someone just kissed me without asking, even if he’s a sweet guy.

Holly J is confused about her feelings for Sav, she does what any girl does which is deny. Fiona, not so good of a bf, tells her it’s a rebound. What if it’s not? Do you really want to wait a few months when by then it could be too late? Life is too short. So I think Holly J should go for it even if it’s just some stupid rebound fling.

I’m happy for Holly J because she needs someone right now. Not someone who makes her think of her misfortunes (like the whole Yale situation or anything related to money). So I think this will be a healthy relationship unless Anya doesn’t get in the way.

I don’t think HJ is backstabbing Anya in anyway because their friendship is like on and off. So Anya better not get infuriated because she’s the one who let Sav go the last time. It’s not Sav’s fault that Anya can’t get anybody else in the school. The only other person that Anya’s ever dated was Riley who turns out to be gay. So maybe Anya is just bitter of her love life.


Connor having an online girlfriend it’s really pathetic. It shows how lonely he is and how desperate he his for having a girlfriend. I’m a little uneasy about this whole thing, it could be an online predator and Connor could get really hurt. I don’t want Connor to get hurt. So he better watch out.