Tag Archives: Degrassi

Degrassi: Come as you are

21 Jul

Well, I would’ve posted this a lot sooner but the Direct TV/Viacom feud took away Teennick, so I wasn’t able to watch the episodes online. But, now that it’s back I am free to blog away.

Katie vs. Drew and Bianca

I first want to start off with one simple question; what is it about Bianca that gets Drew going? I know, she’s hot and had that bad ass personality, which only added more to the hotness. But, I just don’t see what Drew sees.

I was so conflicted when it came down to Team Katie or Team Bianca. Both girls really love Drew but only one of them (in my opinion) is right for him. Can you guess who? That’s right, Katie! Katie saw Drew at his worst and didn’t leave. Katie saved Drew when he was drowning, she was his lifeboat, and he repays her by dropping her the minute Bianca comes back in the picture. That’s not right.

It’s not fair for Katie to save him when he was in need of being rescued. But, Katie was in a rough patch and he couldn’t even try to save her. It boggles my mind a little bit.

But, then I remember how much Bianca had to sacrifice to keep Drew safe. It showed me (I’m not sure about anybody else) how much Drew meant to her. A person that’s willing to sacrifice their own happiness for your life is worth keeping.

This whole entire scenario was crazy; Bianca pushing Drew to break up with Katie, Drew taking the chicken route by making up a fake girl, Katie crashing the party, Drew and Katie losing their virginities to each other, and so on. My head was hurting by the end of the episode.

At first when Katie showed up at his party and Drew told her to go upstairs, I knew something was going to down. I thought that Katie would remind Drew of how she saved him, and Drew would go back to her. I thought this was going to be another Craig, Manny and Ashley. But, I was surprised it didn’t end that way.

Drew taking away Katie’s virginity! Oh my Degrassi (OMD)! That’s just low. The most terrible part of it all was he didn’t even remember it. OMD! I honestly have to say, I felt so bad for Katie. I don’t think I ever seen someone so hurt. Katie was having the worst of luck. When Drew had asked her to keep it a secret, and not tell anybody, my mouth fell open. That made her sound like some dirty mistress or something.

At that moment, I had a fleeting thought; Katie should so tell Bianca that would be so sweet.

Maya vs. Her Body

Dallas is a prick for calling Maya flat and instilling doubt in her body. But, I have to say it was hilarious when Maya got one of those silicone rubber breast pads, and it fell out while she was in the middle of performing. But, maybe that needed to happen so she could finally see that having a hot body isn’t really everything.

I was so happy when Mo approached her and said, “We need you in this band.” Maya finally realized how musically talented she is.

The most important lesson to learn from all this is: when it comes down to a battle between talent and looks, talent will most likely win.

Congrats to Maya!!

The Return of Eli and Clare!

I am so happy Eli and Clare are officially back in Degrassi’s Pool of Love. (I just thought I should get that off my chest.)

So, at first I thought Eli was a being a bit standoffish because he was over Clare. I mean, he was trying to get her back in every way possible, even though it was clearly in the wrong ways. But, Clare wouldn’t budge. She was too busy getting it on and off with Jake. (Thank God that’s over – it was a total snoozer).

The scene between Eli and Clare in the party gave me goosebumps, when he said, “You knew I was leaving, there were twinkly lights; it was easy. I wanna know it wasn’t just some fleeting moment because there won’t always be twinkly lights. And if we’re gonna do this, you need to be all in.” Awww. And Clare said, “Eli, I am all in.”

I think Eli and Clare are starting off good; he isn’t crashing his car or burning his play on stage. He was so chill when Clare had to reschedule their date. So, I have high hopes for these two.


So, if I was giving grades I would give this overall episode of Degrassi an A+.   

Degrassi Pajamas

16 Jul

The Women’s Light Pajamas I designed on CafePress.com.

Hey Degrassi fans! I made these really cool “I heart Degrassi” pajamas. Here’s this link, if you want to buy it. It can sort of feel like Degrassi’s with you when you’re sleeping.

Degrassi: Top Characters

8 Jul

Degrassi has had many characters, but throughout those many characters only, a few of them have had an impact on the show. Those characters are:

. Emma Nelson

Emma is a classic Degrassi character way back from Season 1. Her character was definitely put through the ringer a couple times but she always found a way to deal with it.

2. Clare Edwards

How can you not love “Saint Clare?” Clare is someone that I would love to meet and be friends with because she is a good person and a good friend.

3. Holly J Sinclair

Holly J made a great transition from when she initially came to now. I remember how much I hated her guts but now she has grown on me. Charlotte Arnold did a great job as Holly J.

4. Paige Michalchuk

I had mixed feelings with Paige because when she first came onto the show she was this mean-spoiled-full of herself character. But, as time passed she had grown on me from when she was raped to her anxieties in College.

5. Marco del Rossi

He was the first gay Degrassi character, serving as a role model to every teen that have a sexual identity crisis. Marco’s character is loveable because he’s so sweet and gentle and really cares for his friend, being the “Go To” person to everyone.

6. Manny Santos

Manny is another classic character, she was definitely put through the ringer and has made some mistakes in the past. But, she learned to grow from those mistakes and be a much stronger person in the show.

7. J.T Yorke

He was comedic relief, and it was heartbreaking when he died. 

8. Spinner Mason

Spinner is another classic character of Degrassi. Spinner most definitely may be the only character that has made some drastic changes in his life. Spinner was this dweeb when he first started out, I didn’t care that much for his character because he didn’t seem that much important. But, as the years passed on he turned out to be one of the main characters in Degrassi.

9. Fiona Coyne

When she first came into the show, I wasn’t expecting anything much from this character. She seemed like she would be a typical female character not offering anything at all to the show. But, in Season 10 the writers decided to give Ms. Coyne a story line. Fiona is another character that really grew on me in a matter of months.

10. Eli Goldsworthy

It’s more than his mischievous good looks that make him a top character. Eli bought a dark side to Degrassi when he told Clare about his ex-girlfriend’s death. Eli might stir up some trouble in Degrassi, since he seems to be a character desperate for a love interest.

11. Darcy Edwards

Darcy was the good Christian girl that bought an innocent side to Degrassi.

12. Dave Turner 

Dave brings comedic relief and how can no one not like him. He may be somewhat annoying but in a good way. 

Degrassi: Now or Never

28 Jun

This summer’s “Steal your Heart” promo wasn’t as creative as last year’s “Shark in the Water” promo, but it was a great video. Last year’s promo was a bit of a playful, but yet mysterious type of tone, it felt like a puzzle piece that the fans had to connect. But, this year the promo was calm, peaceful setting. What had my mind boggled was that it was a short video that didn’t reveal that much mystery toward the characters, as oppose to “Shark in the Water.” I managed to make some predictions based on the video.

Prediction #1

Alli and Dave

In the video, there’s a clip of Alli and Dave sitting next to each other, Dave has his arm around her shoulders. Usually Alli might get a bit disgusted by Dave, but in the video, she is laughing and actually enjoying it. Therefore, there might be something between Dave and Alli. It’s about time. Dave and Alli would make such a cute couple. Alli needs a romance that is innocent and sweet.

Prediction #2

Clare and Jake

The first encounter in the video is that Jake is passing by and Clare spots him. The second encounter is that Clare bumps into him and then she leans in to kiss him. It seems that Clare will be the one pursuing Jake, maybe Jake might be into her but he might not be so forthcoming.

Prediction #3

Eli and Imogen

Their interaction is confusing because Eli is talking to a girl but walks away the minute he spots Clare. As Eli is approaching Imogen, he has a smile on her face, when her back is facing him. But, the minute she turns around, he turns that smile upside down, and now Imogen is smiling. At first, I thought that Eli may have mistake Imogen for Clare, but I don’t think that’s the case. Base on the smile that Imogen had given, Imogen might be into Eli but he may want to be in to her but he can’t because she is not Clare.

Prediction #4

Bianca and Drew

Bianca starts talking to this dude, but just as friends. But, maybe he wants to be something more than friends. Drew starts seeing that Bianca’s in trouble, and as her boyfriend, he must protect her. But, maybe this dude might not be in his league of fighting. The dude fires up a gun and may want to scare Drew a little.

Anya and Holly J

There are so many possibilities with Anya’s story plot, this part of the video I have to rewind so many times to see if I come up with a reasonable prediction but, there aren’t enough details. In the video, Anya is resting on Holly J’s shoulder. Then, she is dancing in front of guys, taking off her sweater. The next time we see her, she is falling on Holly J’s arms. 

Degrassi: Now or Ever

28 Jun

Degrassi: Now or Ever is a 7 week summer event, teennick will be airing new episodes Monday through Thursday at 9:00 p.m. starting July 8th, all the way till September 1. Here are is the summer schedule.

Episode List

Week 1

July 18

One Hour Spring-break Special 

July 19

Love Game

July 20

What’s My Age Again?

July 21


Week 2

July 25 & 26

Cry Me A River Pts. 1&2

July 27 & 28

Dirt Off Your Shoulder Pts. 1&2

Week 3

August 1 & 2

Paper Planes Pts. 1&2

August 3&4

Should’ve Said No Pts. 1&2

Week 4

August 8 & 9

U Don’t Know Pts. 1&2

August 10 & 11

Lose Yourself Pts. 1&2

Week 5

August 15 &16

Mr. Brightside Pts. 1&2

August 17 & 18 Extraordinary Machine Pts. 1&2

Week 6

August 22 & 23

Poker Face Pts. 1&2

August 24 & 25 Don’t Panic Pts. 1&2

Week 7

August 29 & 30

Take A Bow, Pts. 1&2

August 31 & September 1

Dead and Gone, Pts. 1