Tag Archives: Declan Coyne

Degrassi: Love Lockdown prts. 1&2

23 Oct

Declan vs. Holly J

Just when things are getting good with Holly J’s life, the ex has to show up. Not that I didn’t like Dolly J but I’m just beginning to like Sally J. Supposedly Declan returned for the Grundy Awards but in reality he’s back to win back the lovely Miss Holly J.

Holly J and Declan have lunch together, that’s where she drops the bomb, she tells Declan that Holly J and Sav are sort of a thing. If I were Declan, I would’ve reacted the same way, who would’ve thought that a few years later Bhandari would go out with Sinclair.

Declan is willing to give up the fight for love, when he won his award he gave a special thanks to Ms. Sinclair. I swear my heart melted to the ground when I heard his speech. If only I had a Declan Coyne with a charming smile and romantic qualities to sweep me off my feet.

The heat gets spicier when Declan invites HJ and Sav to his party. Declan scores one big with Holly J. Fiona’s plan to get so drunk so Holly J can spend the night. Declan kissing Holly J, and Holly J resisting pleas but then caving in.

Holly J is confusing me in this episode because I feel like she wants Declan but doesn’t want emotional attachment, which is why she’s with Sav. Both these characters have gone through a rough relationship in the past so they don’t want to get hurt again. That’s my interpretation of Sally J.

I’m very excited that Holly J got into Yale because it’s something that she always wanted. Throughout half of this season, she’s been so fixated with money and not having enough for Yale and now that she got accepted into Yale she’s happy and I feel she deserves it.

I feel bad for Declan because he really loves Holly J, he went from feeling happy to feeling sad. Holly J just needs time to think about this because it’s overwhelming her. Knowing how love is, Declan isn’t going to wait around for Holly J’s call. He’s going to move on and find someone else to love.

Clare vs. her parents

They left the storyline with the parents open-ended for a reason. The fighting is continuing and this time getting much worse. This can obviously lead to the big D word, DIVORCE.

Eli is back from suspension and wants to take Clare out on a date, their first date. On the same night is the Grundy Awards, her mother says no, because she doesn’t want Clare being out so late. However, Rebel Clare rejects her mother’s wishes and goes out with Eli anyway. Clare is rejecting every call from her mother. Clare is trying to avoid her parents because she doesn’t want to hear the big news. Maybe the big news might involve the D-word that us kids are so afraid to hear.

Clare is doing whatever she can to piss her parents off, just so her parents can see what they’re doing their daughter. Even if it means making Eli look bad, parents really don’t want their child dating a bad boy but we still date one because it’s the rebellious thing to do. Eli isn’t a bad boy in fact he’s a good guy who won’t lay a finger on Clare.

Clare dressing like a female version Eli was so hilarious. What was she thinking leaving the house like that? She must not have a mirror in her house. Did she really think Eli would like that? Her parents aren’t in school so I don’t understand why she came to school like that. They just did that for dramatic effect.

The big news is finally out, the D-word was referenced. This scene makes me want to cry, I can only imagine what Clare is going through inside. Will the writers use this as a set up for Rebel Clare or will they let this fade out and Clare will be the same old Clare?

Degrassi: Try Honesty prt.2

8 Aug

Eli vs. Fitz

I was wondering how exactly is Eli going to get Fitz in big trouble for the fake I.D. What was the measures that Eli was going to take to get Fitz busted? Calling the cops and getting into a brawl with Fitz, serious measures I may say. Was Eli willing to get his face busted up just to get Fitz back? I guess he was.

Well the cops came in time and scanned their I.D cards and Fitz gets busted for being an escaped arsonists. Poor Fitz. Now I’m actually feeling sorry for Fitz, sure he was a bully but he doesn’t deserve this.

If I was Clare I’d be scared. Eli obviously shows his sinister side, a side we’d all been warned due to the foreshadow in the Shark in the Water video. I’m nervous for Clare because she might get hurt as the show goes on. I love my little Clare and I wouldn’t want her to get hurt, it’s bad enough she gets hurt by K.C she doesn’t need another ruined love. So Eli better watch it.

Holly J vs. Declan

Declan does what he can to help Holly J out by offering her some money so she doesn’t have to work. But Holly J doesn’t see that Declan wants her to be his puppy and does what he says. Declan wants Holly J to go with Declan, for a weekend, to New York.

Holly J does what I wouldn’t have done which is break up with Declan. WHY????? Holly J you love him and he loves you. This shouldn’t have been done. They were my favorite love couple in Degrassi, and you took that away from me. Holly J is better off with Declan then she is with Sav.

Wesley and Connor vs. Dave’s Poignancy

Things got a little better with the second part of this subplot.

The 3 Tenners recorded their song but the major problem to this situation is that Dave’s voice is terrible. They have another major problem when Dave walks out because Sav autotunes the voice.

Dave was acting like a huge baby so your singing sucks but at least you’ll get a whole bunch of attention from girls and you’ll soon forget about Alli.

I thought it was real sweet how Sav talks some sense to Dave. He told Dave that Wesley and Connor created this band to cheer him up. Dave has to admit that that touched his heart. So Dave returns to the band and they form The 3 Tenners.

What is it with Degrassi and their bands? Paige, Ashley and Terry had their band. Marco, Jimmy, Craig, Ellie and Spinner had their band. Sav, Danny, Spinner, Jane and Peter had their band. Now Dave, Connor and Wesley have their band.

Try Honesty prt. 1

8 Aug

Eli vs. Fitz

I don’t understand where this rivalry came from or why they picked these too characters to hate each other. But, it was sort of an amusing episode to see.

This disputation started when Fitz blocked Eli’s parking space. Fitz, which we can see is a troubled teen that needs therapy, damages Eli’s car. I don’t understand the reason behind that action.

I was attracted to Eli when he stood up for Adam when Fitz was picking on Adam. That was very manly of Eli to do that. I was proud of Eli to stand up for himself and not let Fitz, who’s obviously tougher than him, push him around.

But Fitz wasn’t going to let it end he had to knee him in the balls in front of Clare (super embarrassing). Fitz doesn’t know that this just added more fuel to the fire. Eli wasn’t going to let the fire wither away that easily.

I thought Eli was stupid for cutting a deal with Fitz. He was going to give Fitz a fake ID card if Fitz lays off the bullying. But he told Adam that he had a plan. (Wonder what that could be)

What Eli thought was absolutely mischievous but brilliant. He put on the ID card that Fitz was an escaped arsonist that every cop wants his hands on. Pure brilliancy. Not even I could’ve come up with that plan when it comes to dealing with bullies. This situation is not like the Rick situation because Rick resorted to bringing a gun to the school and shooting Jimmy.

Holly J vs. Jealousy

Holly J is consumed of all sorts of pressures, not having enough money or having to get a job or working too hard to get into Yale or the simple fact that she thinks Declan is cheating on her with Tinsley (a.k.a slut)

Holly J sees pictures of Tinsley acting very friendly with Declan she comes to a conclusion. That Tinsley is after Declan and she needs to go to that Yale trip. After a very harsh skype session with Declan where Declan tells her to not go to Yale and seeing Tinsley there with Declan, she ends the relationship.

But, too our surprise Declan shows up at the Dot to surprise Holly J. My heart warmed a little bit.

I love Holly J and Declan’s relationship; they’re both so good for each other. They both came from horrible places; Declan was a player and Holly J was a harsh soul, but they both ended being people that you adored so much. They were like my Sean and Emma or my Darcy or Peter so I loved seeing them reunited once again.

Wesley and Connor’s Band

This storyline was pretty flat and didn’t grab my attention. They created a band to cheer Dave up after his little heartbreak caused by Alli and it ends up Dave is a horrible singer. Plain and simple, nothing needed to be said anymore.

Degrassi: What a Girl Wants prt. 1

21 Jul

The season premiere of Degrassi season 10 started off good.

We come to find out that Snake (Mr. Simpson) is now the Principal. I’m very happy to find that out because if anybody deserves to be Principal it’s Snake.

We were introduced to a new character, Drew Torres. (Might I say, he is very handsome)

Drew Torres

Fiona has her very first beau, which surprises me. Her family is very pleased to see her with Bobby. If only they knew there was more to Bobby than what meets the eye. It turns out that he’s abusive and aggressive. He tried to get Fiona to sleep with him, but she slaps him and he slaps her. Poor Fiona, her first boyfriend and he’s a total jerk.

first sign

Second Sign

Third Sign

Very upset to see Declan and Holly J split. Long-term relationship just don’t seem to last. I feel sorry for Holly J because she comes to find out that her family is moving. On top of that her College Fund is lost, so no Yale. Poor Holly J, maybe a scholarship can help you out.

Bhandari vs. Sinclair

Sinclair vs. Holly J

Seems as if Sav feels lonely because he lost his two main squeezes, Danny and Peter, so his mother and sis convinced him in running for President. Giving Holly J a competition. Does Sav really wants to go against Holly J Sinclair? (He must have a death wish) Holly J pulls a little scheme to get Sav to back off. Saying that Anya is pregnant. This could work but I think there’s a little problem here Anya’s not pregnant. So, how exactly is this little plan gonna play out. Holly J didn’t think this through.

Can Holly J convince Anya to go along with this plan? Will Fiona be able to walk away without getting hurt? Will Sav back down from the race?

Degrassi Takes Manhattan: The Heat is On

20 Jul

Degrassi Takes Manhattan: The Heat is On was one of Degrassi’s best films but it was one of its worst either.

What I loved the most about the film was when they brought some of the old Degrassi cast members. For instance Emma, Manny, Jay, and Liberty it was nice to see them reunited once again.

The graduation ceremony was brief but nice. It was sad to see these kids growing up and heading off. I’m going to miss Jane, Peter, Danny, and Johnny.

The Coyne twins and Holly J are going off to NYC to spend the summer together. I’m sure they’ll find drama waiting for them soon. But, before they go off to vacation they decided to throw a bash in Declan’s house.



Degrassi wouldn’t be Degrassi without drama. The drama all started out with Spinner when he overhead a conversation between Holly J and Jane. He heard all about Jane and her affair with Declan for almost 2 weeks.

We all know Spinner and his temper. Need I remind you of Johnny DiMarco when Spinner kicked his butt in Season 7.

Spinner exploded on Jane practically humiliating her in front of everybody. Then turns around and punches Declan in the face.

Poor Jane

How long did Jane think her secret was going to be kept? This is Degrassi, no secret is kept under hush-hush. It’s bound to come out.

Emma’s Screw Up

I must say the only character I felt sorry for was Spinner. Losing the love of his life then coming back and seeing the place he works is set on fire. The Dot was set on fire due to someone’s screw up, Emma Nelson. She must’ve forgotten when Spinner told her don’t use to the sandwich maker. Poor Spinner.

Holly J Sinclair vs. Fiona Coyne


It was pretty obvious that Fiona was trying to ex out Holly J. Fiona wants Declan all to herself. But, I didn’t think she meant all to herself. That kiss was too far and we all know that. The Coyne twins must obviously have a special bond. Poor Fiona, I think little miss princess needs some counseling or something to help her out.

One story line that was pointless was Jane. Why even bother putting her in the movie? It got a little interesting when she called Spinner and Spinner broke the news to her about getting married to Emma.

That set Jane off to a little quest to stop the wedding.

Emma and Spinner!!!

Emma and Spinner!!

A Beautiful Love

I never could imagine these two kids ever getting married or even together. I disapprove of this; I wanted Emma Nelson and Sean Cameron to end up together again. But, whatever you can’t always get what you want even in TV. I feel this marriage, no this relationship was too rushed.

A kiss goodbye

I almost felt sorry for Jane, here she is trying to stop the wedding. But, changes her mind the minute she sees Spinner is happy. She had to say goodbye to the love of her life. How sad?