Tag Archives: Clare Edwards

New Degrassi Promo

24 Sep

Going Postal

Principal Simpson is totally gone postal with these new enforcements. He reminds of my Principal, Charles Anderson, but Simpson is worse. No cell phone use!!! Really? Did you forget that these are teenagers? Asking a teenager to stop using their cell phones is like asking to fish to breathe without water. Detentions!!! Well, every school does that but it’s rare to see Degrassi hand it off like it was concert tickets. My sympathies go to the students, should everyone be punished just for 7 students’ mayhem.

“How can schools dictate how I choose to express myself?”

I’m with you Eli!! My schools order us to wear uniforms and if we don’t wear it we get detention. Clothes is a way to define ourselves, whether we like to wear black or designer clothes, it’s all up to us. Our clothes don’t make us who we are; it’s we, who make our clothes mean something. My Principal believes that if we dress professional and collegiate then we can act professionally. That’s total bull.

What the Fudge!!!

What is up with this new Clare? (Maybe she did changer herself for Eli) Clare was walking with some flare. Can’t she tell by Eli’s disgusted face that this does not attract him? Just for once, couldn’t Degrassi just keep the nice girl…the nice girl? Alli must’ve obviously gotten to her head. Why is she on top of Eli saying, “Come on, live dangerously.” Maybe she’s trying to make a point or something.

Dave vs. a Bully

Dave is one of my favorite characters. How can anyone not like Dave, he’s so funny and sweet? Dave is pushed to his limits, when he shoots a tazer at this guy. Honestly, I’m glad that it wasn’t a real gun because then I would’ve been pissed to see Dave go.

Bianca and Alli- Smack down!!!!

Bianca, super slut punches Alli, super girl, in the face. I can tell that punch had to hurt. Bianca looks like this tough chick not to mess with. I guess we know why Mr. Bhandari is disappointed in Alli. Do I hear suspension or worse EXPELLED!!!!!!! It’s obvious where this fight stems from, the whole Drew and Bianca rendezvous. They make it seem like Drew is Taylor Lautner or something. Now that I can understand, Taylor Lautner is so hot that I melted when I touched him. (sizzles)

*I really hope that this time Degrassi isn’t hyping it up like they did the last time. This time around they better live up to my expectations.*

Degrassi: This Fall Promo

12 Sep

I guess Principal Simpson kept his promise. “When you come back from break…you won’t recognize this school at all.” The changes: new dress code, police scanning, students must carry an ID card, and no public display of affection. Are there anymore tyrannous rules?

Principal Simpson is taking this too far; these usually requested for those bad schools that has bad reputation. Well, if you look at it someone did bring a knife at the school dance. So maybe police scanning is necessary enforcement. ID cards? Schools are typically supposed to have this rule so there’s nothing wrong with that. Dress code? Really? They’re some characters that have that nice sense of style like Alli, Holly J and sometimes Clare. How could Principal Simpson take that away from me? Part of being a teenager is shopping for clothes to wear to school. We believe that our clothes is who we are. No public display of affection? What does that have to do with anything? Maybe it has to do with Drew’s big rendezvous with Bianca or the fact that Mrs. Torres walked in on Drew and Alli doing nothing and misinterpreted that as doing something. Maybe it’s the Holly J’s striptease for President Sav.  (Who knows) That is crossing the line Mr. Simpson; he’s being a tyrant.

Eli and Clare

What’s going on? Clare is trying to be gothic, hence the new apparel and the dying of the hair. I really don’t think she’s doing that Eli, she’s not shallow. She’s shouting, “I don’t know who I am anymore!” Maybe she changed herself one too many times that she doesn’t know where she belongs. I think she looses her virginity; maybe that’s why she’s acting this way. I really hope they don’t change my Clare; she’s my favorite character. Then in the next promo, she’s screaming, “Stop it!”, maybe she’s looking at the mirror and seeing the person she’s become and doesn’t like the reflection she sees.

Eli looks like he’s loosing his mind, driving Clare away. He’s scrambling on the floor, possibly looking for a specific paper or something. The papers look like music notes; I didn’t know he was into music. Clare’s trying to calm him down and he’s screaming, “I can’t believe this!” Something’s telling me it’s about his ex-girlfriend and the car accident.


What mess does Alli get into now? She’s crying into Clare’s arms saying, “My life is so over.” Then, does the clip with her parents. She’s looking at her dad; her dad is giving a disappointed look as he’s walking away. Alli’s saying, “Dad, I’m sorry but I can explain.” She’s must have broken one of the rules and now she’s getting suspended. But, what rule could she have broken that’ll make her dad disappointed at her?

Holly J and Declan

The guy kissing Holly J’s neck is Declan; obviously, she’s loosing her virginity to him. What about Sav? Why on earth is Declan back in Holly J’s life? Why is Sav calling Holly J naïve? She probably didn’t want to have sex with Declan but she couldn’t say no and now she’s depressed. She had a scared look on her face while Declan’s kissing her neck, and Declan looks smug. Maybe he’s got something on her, like blackmail or something.

“I’m leaving Degrassi.”

Plenty of people say it’s Alli, due to the fact that Melinda Shankar is leaving Degrassi to film “How to be Indie,” But, I disagree. People need to listen to voices. The voice towards the end of the promo sounds like Ms. Jenna Middleton. Maybe being Next Teen Star and a pregnant teen whose in school is overwhelming, so she’s the obvious choice.

Degrassi: All Falls Down prts. 1 & 2

31 Aug

Drew and Bianca

How could Drew cheat on Alli with a floozy? Seriously Drew, Bianca isn’t worth it, she’s not even worth on dime. Bianca is a home-wrecking tramp that isn’t happy with her life so she has to ruin other people’s lives. The way she was flirting with Drew, that girl must have balls to ask Drew un-button her sweater. What girl does that, unless she’s dying for some sex?

I was happy for Alli because I thought she was finally going to have a healthy, stable relationship for once but Drew had to mess that up. Alli should’ve totally kicked Bianca’s ass when she had the chance. It wasn’t like she didn’t know Drew had a girlfriend, she knew what she was doing.

Drew and Alli

Drew lying to Alli about the kiss is what most boys would’ve done. But, what is so hard about coming clean and telling the truth, cause you know the truth is going to come out eventually. Which will make the fight worse? It did because Bianca made it clear that Drew and her had oral sex. Bianca is an honest whore because at least she has the guts to tell the girl what her boyfriend is afraid to tell her.

Alli and Owen

Owen is a slime ball that takes the opportunity when he sees it. He smells vulnerability and takes advantage of it. Telling Alli some b.s about how she’s worth a million dollars. Alli like the dumb idiot she is, she falls for it. Owen says he’ll pay 50$ just to hook up with her, Alli wanted to make Drew jealous so she agreed to it.

I was thinking that Alli wanted to through that whole STI scare that she went through with Johnny. Who knows whom Owen has hooked up with or even how clean he is?

Alli didn’t want to hook up with Owen but Owen wasn’t quick to let her go. Drew comes to Alli’s rescue, what a superman.

Alli vs. Mrs. Torres

Mrs. Torres has become one of the most annoying characters I’ve seen in Degrassi. She’s abrasive and condescending, she’s always up Mr. Simpson’s ass about enforcing the rules or protecting her children. The way she disregarded Alli’s hand in the beginning of the episode just because she walked in on Alli and Drew kissing. Seriously, Mrs. Torres you’re the adult, you don’t treat a girl like that ever. If she‘d gotten there a few minutes earlier then maybe she would’ve seen that Drew and Alli were studying. Then she thinks Alli was trying to do something to Drew but not even realizing the tears on Alli’s face.

Clare and Eli

Clare and Eli kiss again!! Only this time it wasn’t for some English project. He just grabbed her and kisses her and that kiss was spicy. Boy does the romance end when Eli and Clare lie to Mr. Simpson about Fitz setting up the stink bomb. When in reality it was the beloved Clare Edwards. Clare, isn’t she suppose to be a girl of integrity then why is she doing this.

Clare and Fitz

Fitz finds out it was Eli, whom had lied to Mr. Simpson. Clare goes to the dance with Fitz so Fitz won’t hurt Eli. Eli acts all nonchalantly about the whole thing but in the inside his blood is boiling in his veins. Then goes up to Fitz and threatens him and Fitz says that he’s going to sleep with her. (He looks like that type). Then he tries to convince no to go to the dance with Fitz. Eli makes things worse when he tells Clare to slip Ipecac-Lace in Fitz drink.

The Dance

Fitz meets Clare and he shows up with a corsage (so cute). Clare is trying to be a Good Samaritan by asking Fitz to burry the hatchet. Fitz agrees to burry the hatchet if Eli apologizes. The only problem with that is that Eli isn’t budging. He then changes his mind because he loves Clare. But we all can smell he had something up his red-sleeves. He suggested that they make a toast, and Clare is aware of what Eli’s trying to do so she makes them switch cups. If only Clare had known that Eli was a smart fellow, Fitz still drank the Ipecac-Laced and ended up barfing. Damn it Eli! You couldn’t swallow your pride and let things go. Not even for Clare’s sake.

Clare sees Fitz pull a knife out his locker and makes a fast getaway. Clare’s going on a wild goose chase to find Eli, she finds Adam and tells Adam to call Mr. Simpson and tell him about Fitz. She then finds Eli, who won’t back down and be scare of Fitz. Well, that didn’t happen because you were definitely scared when you were face to face with Fitz. Luckily, the cops get there to arrest Eli.

Mr. Simpson is livid, he is adamant about the lies and betrayal of trust that lies in this school. The lies: Eli and Clare and the betrayal of trust: the striptease between Holly J and Sav. He delivers an enigmatic message: “There are going to be changes, big changes. When you come back from break…you won’t recognize this school at all”

Degrassi: Still Fighting It prts. 1 & 2

27 Aug

Riley’s Quest to Win Zane Back

Riley still has feelings for Zane and he’s willing to do whatever it takes to win him back. Literally, he’s willing to do WHATEVER IT TAKES to win back his heart. Even punching jackasses in the face.

The guys in the locker room make gay jokes, obviously directed toward Zane, and Riley plays along with them. Not even realizing that it’s hurting Zane’s feelings. Really? Riley for someone who’s trying to get Zane back you’re not off to a good start.

After Riley attends that gay group he’s gone gangster postal. It’s like he’s apart of a gay rights activists group. He wants all the guys to wear pick shirts and to stop making gay jokes. Of course Owen has a problem with that, I really hate that guy, I hope they get rid of him.

Riley punches Owen in the face when he sprays “Riley’s a Fag” in the school bus. I thought Riley was taking anger management classes, it seems like that wasn’t working out for him. He doesn’t realize that by being this aggressive guy he’s really pushing Zane away.

I thought that was sweet of Riley to bid 50$ on Zane, I thought it was official that he’s out of the closet. But, there’s still some work to be done. See, Zane that’s how much he means to you. He loves you and he’s willing to spend 50$ just to get a date with you. I honestly love this relationship because it’s clean and healthy and has some drama.

What is Going on With Eli?

Finally, Clare and Eli kiss while doing the Romeo and Juliet project. But the kiss may have meant different things to both Eli and Clare. I thought Eli was giving Clare the cold shoulder in both parts. However, he was still holding on to the death of his ex-girlfriend. I could understand why that would get him so glum but time has passed and Eli deserves to move on.

I had chills down my spine when Eli told Clare “This is where I killed my ex-girlfriend.” I was scared for Clare because I thought Eli was a sociopath and he was going to kill to Clare. However, I calmed down the minute he explained the story.

It’s going to take some time for Eli to deal with it and realize that he deserves to be happy. It wasn’t his fault that a car hit her besides it was an accident. Clare deserves to be happy with somebody and that person happens to be Eli. Eli and Clare just have this chemistry that you can’t ignore.

Wesley’s Crush

I love Wesley; he’s one of those nerdy guys with a decent looking face. How can no girl want him? Sure, he might not be cool or he may be a little awkward but he sweet and funny that’s a great combination. I would date Wesley if I were in Degrassi, I can have fewer chances of getting hurt or cheated on. Wesley’s a safe catch, no offense.

My sympathies go towards  Wesley in the auction bid, that would lower my self esteem if I didn’t get bid on. However, what Wesley wanted he got because Anya ended up bidding 2$ on him. I would’ve been so excited if the guy I was crushing on bid on me even if it was a minimal amount of money.

I hope that Wesley and Anya do get together because I think Anya needs someone like Wesley on her side. While she’s dealing with her mother’s cancer she needs a healthy stable relationship on her side.

Degrassi: Try Honesty prt.2

8 Aug

Eli vs. Fitz

I was wondering how exactly is Eli going to get Fitz in big trouble for the fake I.D. What was the measures that Eli was going to take to get Fitz busted? Calling the cops and getting into a brawl with Fitz, serious measures I may say. Was Eli willing to get his face busted up just to get Fitz back? I guess he was.

Well the cops came in time and scanned their I.D cards and Fitz gets busted for being an escaped arsonists. Poor Fitz. Now I’m actually feeling sorry for Fitz, sure he was a bully but he doesn’t deserve this.

If I was Clare I’d be scared. Eli obviously shows his sinister side, a side we’d all been warned due to the foreshadow in the Shark in the Water video. I’m nervous for Clare because she might get hurt as the show goes on. I love my little Clare and I wouldn’t want her to get hurt, it’s bad enough she gets hurt by K.C she doesn’t need another ruined love. So Eli better watch it.

Holly J vs. Declan

Declan does what he can to help Holly J out by offering her some money so she doesn’t have to work. But Holly J doesn’t see that Declan wants her to be his puppy and does what he says. Declan wants Holly J to go with Declan, for a weekend, to New York.

Holly J does what I wouldn’t have done which is break up with Declan. WHY????? Holly J you love him and he loves you. This shouldn’t have been done. They were my favorite love couple in Degrassi, and you took that away from me. Holly J is better off with Declan then she is with Sav.

Wesley and Connor vs. Dave’s Poignancy

Things got a little better with the second part of this subplot.

The 3 Tenners recorded their song but the major problem to this situation is that Dave’s voice is terrible. They have another major problem when Dave walks out because Sav autotunes the voice.

Dave was acting like a huge baby so your singing sucks but at least you’ll get a whole bunch of attention from girls and you’ll soon forget about Alli.

I thought it was real sweet how Sav talks some sense to Dave. He told Dave that Wesley and Connor created this band to cheer him up. Dave has to admit that that touched his heart. So Dave returns to the band and they form The 3 Tenners.

What is it with Degrassi and their bands? Paige, Ashley and Terry had their band. Marco, Jimmy, Craig, Ellie and Spinner had their band. Sav, Danny, Spinner, Jane and Peter had their band. Now Dave, Connor and Wesley have their band.