Tag Archives: Anya McPherson

Degrassi: Now or Never

28 Jun

This summer’s “Steal your Heart” promo wasn’t as creative as last year’s “Shark in the Water” promo, but it was a great video. Last year’s promo was a bit of a playful, but yet mysterious type of tone, it felt like a puzzle piece that the fans had to connect. But, this year the promo was calm, peaceful setting. What had my mind boggled was that it was a short video that didn’t reveal that much mystery toward the characters, as oppose to “Shark in the Water.” I managed to make some predictions based on the video.

Prediction #1

Alli and Dave

In the video, there’s a clip of Alli and Dave sitting next to each other, Dave has his arm around her shoulders. Usually Alli might get a bit disgusted by Dave, but in the video, she is laughing and actually enjoying it. Therefore, there might be something between Dave and Alli. It’s about time. Dave and Alli would make such a cute couple. Alli needs a romance that is innocent and sweet.

Prediction #2

Clare and Jake

The first encounter in the video is that Jake is passing by and Clare spots him. The second encounter is that Clare bumps into him and then she leans in to kiss him. It seems that Clare will be the one pursuing Jake, maybe Jake might be into her but he might not be so forthcoming.

Prediction #3

Eli and Imogen

Their interaction is confusing because Eli is talking to a girl but walks away the minute he spots Clare. As Eli is approaching Imogen, he has a smile on her face, when her back is facing him. But, the minute she turns around, he turns that smile upside down, and now Imogen is smiling. At first, I thought that Eli may have mistake Imogen for Clare, but I don’t think that’s the case. Base on the smile that Imogen had given, Imogen might be into Eli but he may want to be in to her but he can’t because she is not Clare.

Prediction #4

Bianca and Drew

Bianca starts talking to this dude, but just as friends. But, maybe he wants to be something more than friends. Drew starts seeing that Bianca’s in trouble, and as her boyfriend, he must protect her. But, maybe this dude might not be in his league of fighting. The dude fires up a gun and may want to scare Drew a little.

Anya and Holly J

There are so many possibilities with Anya’s story plot, this part of the video I have to rewind so many times to see if I come up with a reasonable prediction but, there aren’t enough details. In the video, Anya is resting on Holly J’s shoulder. Then, she is dancing in front of guys, taking off her sweater. The next time we see her, she is falling on Holly J’s arms. 

Degrassi: Still Fighting It prts. 1 & 2

27 Aug

Riley’s Quest to Win Zane Back

Riley still has feelings for Zane and he’s willing to do whatever it takes to win him back. Literally, he’s willing to do WHATEVER IT TAKES to win back his heart. Even punching jackasses in the face.

The guys in the locker room make gay jokes, obviously directed toward Zane, and Riley plays along with them. Not even realizing that it’s hurting Zane’s feelings. Really? Riley for someone who’s trying to get Zane back you’re not off to a good start.

After Riley attends that gay group he’s gone gangster postal. It’s like he’s apart of a gay rights activists group. He wants all the guys to wear pick shirts and to stop making gay jokes. Of course Owen has a problem with that, I really hate that guy, I hope they get rid of him.

Riley punches Owen in the face when he sprays “Riley’s a Fag” in the school bus. I thought Riley was taking anger management classes, it seems like that wasn’t working out for him. He doesn’t realize that by being this aggressive guy he’s really pushing Zane away.

I thought that was sweet of Riley to bid 50$ on Zane, I thought it was official that he’s out of the closet. But, there’s still some work to be done. See, Zane that’s how much he means to you. He loves you and he’s willing to spend 50$ just to get a date with you. I honestly love this relationship because it’s clean and healthy and has some drama.

What is Going on With Eli?

Finally, Clare and Eli kiss while doing the Romeo and Juliet project. But the kiss may have meant different things to both Eli and Clare. I thought Eli was giving Clare the cold shoulder in both parts. However, he was still holding on to the death of his ex-girlfriend. I could understand why that would get him so glum but time has passed and Eli deserves to move on.

I had chills down my spine when Eli told Clare “This is where I killed my ex-girlfriend.” I was scared for Clare because I thought Eli was a sociopath and he was going to kill to Clare. However, I calmed down the minute he explained the story.

It’s going to take some time for Eli to deal with it and realize that he deserves to be happy. It wasn’t his fault that a car hit her besides it was an accident. Clare deserves to be happy with somebody and that person happens to be Eli. Eli and Clare just have this chemistry that you can’t ignore.

Wesley’s Crush

I love Wesley; he’s one of those nerdy guys with a decent looking face. How can no girl want him? Sure, he might not be cool or he may be a little awkward but he sweet and funny that’s a great combination. I would date Wesley if I were in Degrassi, I can have fewer chances of getting hurt or cheated on. Wesley’s a safe catch, no offense.

My sympathies go towards  Wesley in the auction bid, that would lower my self esteem if I didn’t get bid on. However, what Wesley wanted he got because Anya ended up bidding 2$ on him. I would’ve been so excited if the guy I was crushing on bid on me even if it was a minimal amount of money.

I hope that Wesley and Anya do get together because I think Anya needs someone like Wesley on her side. While she’s dealing with her mother’s cancer she needs a healthy stable relationship on her side.

Degrassi: Tears Dry on Their Own prts. 1 & 2

27 Aug

Jenna’s Pregnant!!!

Jenna getting pregnant wasn’t something expected. They didn’t really focus on their relationship intimately; I honestly thought K.C was a virgin (Jenna is obviously not a virgin-I could just tell).

That’s the problem with teenage girls they’re so quick to throw it all away not even thinking about the consequences. Girls are so busy thinking that they’re grown women but the truth is a girl isn’t ready to do what a woman does. I feel sorry for Jenna but she should’ve been smart.

K.C pushing Jenna to get an abortion is what a guy will always do to a girl. I’m glad that Jenna put her foot down and decided to keep the baby. Getting an abortion could have negative repercussions both physically and mentally. You don’t know how a girl feels after getting an abortion. I’m glad that the writers didn’t make Jenna get an abortion because that sends a horrible message to girls. You might as well say ‘You Got Pregnant? Don’t Worry an Abortion Will Solve the Problem!’ Jenna is making the right decision to keep the baby.

The fact that K.C ran out on Jenna doesn’t look good on his part. I’m sorry that Jenna has to go through this alone, with the help of her brother of course, but the writers have to show girls that not every guy is a prince charming. 95% of the time guys are most likely to abandon their child and have the mother raise it all by herself. So I commend Degrassi for doing that so it can be an eye opener for girls who are sexually active.

Connor Continues with LoveQueen16

I’m glad that Connor didn’t get hurt but in the real world there are tons of kids who do get hurt with interacting with their “online buddy.” It was total falsehood when Connor was able to get out the car; obviously most pedophiles lock the door so the kid won’t be able to get out the car. This one wasn’t a smart one as you can see.

Connor is big retard for not putting his vibes out there; I could even sense something wrong here. If it wasn’t for Dave and Wes to get there in time, before Connor actually went home with her, then Connor would’ve been in big trouble.

I would be proud to have friends that look out for you like that. They told Simpson so they can help you man and now you can see they were right. Sometimes friends can be right and sometimes they can be wrong but it’s always good to listen to other people.

Anya and Riley

I was wondering where this friendship went, it’s been ages since Anya and Riley hung out. She is one of the people that know Riley’s in the closet. I actually like Anya and Riley’s frienship better than Leia and Anya’s friendship it seems healthier.

Degrassi: My Body is a Cage prts. 1 & 2

15 Aug

Adam vs. “His Body”

We finally get introduced to Adam’s storyline in these two episodes. We find out that Drew is Adam’s stepbrother, so he is aware of Adam’s situation.

The difficulties that transgender kids face is serious and I love the way the writers incorporated that in this episode. Transgender kids get harassed everyday, only because kids just don’t like seeing “freaks.” If only they understood that we all have a little “freak” in us.

Adam’s cover was almost broken when he drops tampons in front of Claire and Owen and the guys. But, the nice girl that Claire is she passes it as her own. Obviously Claire is aware that something is wrong here so she confides in Eli. Adam reveals somewhat of his life to Eli and Claire. He’s a guy born into a female’s body and that he likes girls. Claire and Eli are fine with it and those are what you call true friends.

Adam was crushing on Bianca (seriously) and he begins flirting with her. But when Bianca shoves him and feels man boobs. Bianca rips his shirt and sees Adam is a girl. Honestly what Bianca did was messed up. How the hell do you violate someone and ripped their shit? That Bianca is one aggressive chick. Maybe she should be the one whose transgender, totally acts like a dude.

Owen and Fitz are jackasses who don’t respect anyone even “girls.” They know that Adam is technically a girl and they go and throw her against the wall, all because she wanted to use the men’s bathroom.

Adam vs. His Happiness

Adam’s cover is broken and of course there are repercussions that have to be dealt. Principal Simpson, to ensure Adam’s safety, is having Adam escorted to class and he needs to use the handicap restroom. Which is super embarrassing for a person to go through? Honestly sometimes Adults “think” (the operative word) they know what’s best for juveniles.

Adam’s mother wants Gracie back, and what mother wouldn’t. No mother wants to loose their little daughter even if they’re getting a son in return. So Adam must understand where his mother is coming from. But, at the same time the mother needs to be there for their children even if they don’t accept their choices. I was hurt when his mother uninvited Adam to the dinner but has an open invitation for Gracie. A mother can’t force their children to be something they don’t want to be.

Adam comes to the dinner but as Gracie. If I was Adam I would’ve gone to the dinner dressed as myself and tell my grandmother the truth, even if it would hurt her because she can’t keep living with this lie.

Adam has burn marks on her arm and he does the unthinkable which is burning himself in public. Luckily Claire finds him in time and stops him and gives his some advice that we all need. We all try to change ourselves for other people’s happiness but the one thing that matters is that we’re happy. If you change yourself for other people then you slowly loose yourself in the process and then what are you left with. You’re left with someone you don’t even know anymore.

Anya vs. Bad News

I’m skipping part 1 because I have nothing to say about prt. 1. This is strictly about prt 2.

A child hearing that their mother has cancer is very hard, and overwhelming especially on a teenage girl. I felt bad Anya because she’s a sweet girl who doesn’t deserve this (in fact no one deserves this). I get teary eyed whenever I see her face because I know it’s tough for her to deal with it.

I almost cried at the dinner scene when she freaked out at her parents for being okay with it. I know for a fact that Anya will regret it eventually because everybody always feels bad for treating someone like crap. I understand where Anya’s coming from, she’s freaking out and can’t understand why this would happen.

I got teary eyed when Anya was looking at the Pompeii project and setting it off. The music was beautiful and Samantha Munro delivered an excellent job in this scene. She just watched as the volcano erupted, not even thinking about the project and how it would get ruined. It’s sort of symbolic because Pompeii is a beautiful place that gets ruined because volcanic eruption. All these people had no idea what’s going on and the minute they realize what’s going on, they’re scared and panicking. That’s what sort of happened to Anya, she wasn’t expecting her mother to have cancer. Her life was okay and it fell apart when she heard her mother had cancer. So the Pompeii project was Anya’s life and the volcanic eruption is her mother having cancer. (That’s my opinion)

The scene with Holly J and Anya was nice, I love how from one moment Holly J goes from harsh to sympathetic. Holly J coming clean about her and Sav and Anya disregarding as if she had not heard what Holly J said was nice. Anya can’t focus on stupid crap like that she has to pay attention to her mother and only her mother. It will kill her if her mother dies and she didn’t get to spend time with her. So that was very smart of the writers, sometimes they do things for a reason.

Degrassi: Breakaway prt. 2

25 Jul

Holly J

Holly J’s plans for the future are down the drains. Her plans for the future is going to Yale with Declan but how is that going to happen if she’s broke. Her only friend is Fiona; she lost the election the only thing that can maybe weigh her chance in getting into Yale. I give my sympathies to Holly J because I know how that feels. To have big dreams and have them crashed by a green piece of paper called MONEY.

So, Holly J wants to see if there’s any other way to get into Yale. Ms. Sauve offers her some SAT prep courses, but the only problem with that is its cost is 2,000 dollars. Holly J is broke, so she can’t afford it.

Of course when Holly J is faced with a big problem she doesn’t think. For example, when Holly J was faced with this money problem before she ousted Mia in television, getting herself kicked off power squad.

Fiona is an idiot for letting Holly J know her password to her account. She says best friends don’t keep secrets. Yes, they do especially when money is entailed. So, Holly J pays her for SAT account with Fiona’s account. Obviously, she didn’t cover her tracks well because Fiona found out. Rich people may be quick to spend money but they always keep track of their money. With money people don’t play.

Fiona and Holly J’s Friendship

Fiona forgives Holly J instead of reprimanding her like any normal person would do. So basically Holly J gets away with a slap on the risk. These girls are in a desperate state of mind, where they need each other. Holly J finds herself without friends, maybe if she stops being controlling and demanding then people may want to stick around. Fiona didn’t really have people believe her about the whole Bobby thing only one person, Holly J. So in their subconscious minds to think they need each other. But do they really need each other?

Sav and Anya

Sav as the new President wants to come clean about the fake pregnancy. Which I must say is social suicide. Anya was very smart when she lied and said she had a miscarriage, not doing too much damage to Sav’s presidency. But, still having a miscarriage is a very serious and I don’t approve of that decision.

Once again they get back together. Their relationship is like a twisted rollercoaster, a rollercoaster that I really hate hearing about. They break up, then get back together, then break up and get back together.

Sav promises Anya that things will be different this time but they weren’t. Sav and Anya were making out in Sav’s house but Sav pushes Anya off the minute he hears his mother come in. The mother wasn’t very happy to see Anya there, so Sav makes up some lie about notes. Anya, fed up, tells the mother they were making and it’ll never happen again.

Anya ends the relationship with Sav, she said they’re not good for each other. Sav and Anya are good for each other; it’s just that Sav can’t disobey his parents. It’s not Sav that’s the problem or his parents, it’s the Islamic customs that they were raised to believe. Anya just needs to back off and find someone else that can give him what he wants.

Clare and Wesley’s Funny Encounter

The guys in gym class are wondering if Claire really did get the boob job, so they decide to send Wesley to go and find out. This scene was hilarious, as Claire thinks that Wesley wants to touch her eyes but really he grabs her boobs. I’m sure that was a very awkward scene for Aislinn Paul to do.

Clare and Jenna

I was really hoping that Claire would tear Jenna to shreds; after all she did break her and K.C up. It was very funny how Jenna automatically thought that Claire was doing it for K.C’s attention. Revealing her low self-esteem. I loved how Claire responded, saying that she didn’t need boobs to get K.C back. She got K.C before, and she looked like a nerd back then, and she can get him back if she tried

Clare and Eli

We were introduced to Eli in this episode. Claire and his encounter was very abrupt, but we will be seeing more of him soon.