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Degrassi: Top Characters

8 Jul

Degrassi has had many characters, but throughout those many characters only, a few of them have had an impact on the show. Those characters are:

. Emma Nelson

Emma is a classic Degrassi character way back from Season 1. Her character was definitely put through the ringer a couple times but she always found a way to deal with it.

2. Clare Edwards

How can you not love “Saint Clare?” Clare is someone that I would love to meet and be friends with because she is a good person and a good friend.

3. Holly J Sinclair

Holly J made a great transition from when she initially came to now. I remember how much I hated her guts but now she has grown on me. Charlotte Arnold did a great job as Holly J.

4. Paige Michalchuk

I had mixed feelings with Paige because when she first came onto the show she was this mean-spoiled-full of herself character. But, as time passed she had grown on me from when she was raped to her anxieties in College.

5. Marco del Rossi

He was the first gay Degrassi character, serving as a role model to every teen that have a sexual identity crisis. Marco’s character is loveable because he’s so sweet and gentle and really cares for his friend, being the “Go To” person to everyone.

6. Manny Santos

Manny is another classic character, she was definitely put through the ringer and has made some mistakes in the past. But, she learned to grow from those mistakes and be a much stronger person in the show.

7. J.T Yorke

He was comedic relief, and it was heartbreaking when he died. 

8. Spinner Mason

Spinner is another classic character of Degrassi. Spinner most definitely may be the only character that has made some drastic changes in his life. Spinner was this dweeb when he first started out, I didn’t care that much for his character because he didn’t seem that much important. But, as the years passed on he turned out to be one of the main characters in Degrassi.

9. Fiona Coyne

When she first came into the show, I wasn’t expecting anything much from this character. She seemed like she would be a typical female character not offering anything at all to the show. But, in Season 10 the writers decided to give Ms. Coyne a story line. Fiona is another character that really grew on me in a matter of months.

10. Eli Goldsworthy

It’s more than his mischievous good looks that make him a top character. Eli bought a dark side to Degrassi when he told Clare about his ex-girlfriend’s death. Eli might stir up some trouble in Degrassi, since he seems to be a character desperate for a love interest.

11. Darcy Edwards

Darcy was the good Christian girl that bought an innocent side to Degrassi.

12. Dave Turner 

Dave brings comedic relief and how can no one not like him. He may be somewhat annoying but in a good way. 

My Favorite: Emma Episodes

25 Jul

One of my favorite characters is Emma Nelson, who is played by Miriam McDonald. Emma seems like the type of person who has ideas and wants everyone to go along with it. For instance, when Rick came back, she protested and made the whole school hate him. She didn’t like the idea of Rick abusing Terri and coming back to Degrassi.

These four episodes are my favorite Emma episodes, where Emma’s storyline gets funny, serious and intense.

1. Coming of Age

Remember that episode when Emma gets her first period and it soaks through her white skirt. That was an embarrassing, but yet funny, moment for little Emma Nelson. What’s even funnier was Manny bought Emma baggy gym shorts that she wore to class. While she was doing her presentation for Ms. Kwan’s class, the classmates were jeering at her. Emma directly states that she got her first period, which if it were me then I would mortified and melodramatic. I have to say Emma handled that situation very well. Kudos to Emma.

2. Secret prt. 1 & 2

Emma slumps into a depression after the shooting, which causes her to breakdown. She wants to find a way to liven things in her life, so she sees Jay who gives her the opportunity. He invites her to the ravine and there she gives Jay a blowjob. Sure, it may ease the pain but there are repercussions and the repercussions aren’t something worth dealing with. She ended up getting gonorrhea, which means Jay is big whore.

Emma was dealing with some issues deep within, and she wasn’t thinking. When someone is very depressed they end up doing things that’ll apparently ease the pain. It’s like in Gossip Girl when Jenny was depressed, what did she resort to, she slept with Chuck. So, I didn’t judge Emma in this episode I just felt sorry for her.

3. Our Lips are Sealed prts. 1 & 2

When things get rough in the Nelson-Simpson house, Emma feels the need to control things as usual. So, Manny asks for help to loose a few pounds and that was just the button that needed to be push. Emma decided that it’s time for them to go on diet, Manny is happy when she steps on a scale and sees that she lost a few pounds.

Emma’s diet soon changes to an eating disorder, with purging and not eating. The minute Manny finds out about Emma’s eating disorder, she stopped Manny by saying her and Peter are dating. That’s the Emma way; she’ll do whatever it takes to get her way. Manny backs off. Emma has mental and physical breakdown due to her eating disorder. Honestly, Emma once again breaks down in an intense way. She’s never gone through a problem without reacting dramatic. Degrassi delivers an excellent storyline with Emma Nelson.

4. Hungry Eyes

This episode demonstrates how far Emma is willing to go to get her point across, even if it means taking off her dress ahead of the entire school. She joins Purple Dragons, which is an advertisement company promoting energy drinks. When Emma learns that the Purple Dragon girls aren’t permitted to drink the drinks they are advertising because of the amount of calories stored in a drink. Emma decides to take a stand. I’m sure you all know the rest.

Emma is just funny and I love her need to stand up for what’s right. She really has her funny moments and her intense moments. It was sad to see her gone but they keep her there forever. The time was coming for her to say goodbye.