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Degrassi: Come as you are

21 Jul

Well, I would’ve posted this a lot sooner but the Direct TV/Viacom feud took away Teennick, so I wasn’t able to watch the episodes online. But, now that it’s back I am free to blog away.

Katie vs. Drew and Bianca

I first want to start off with one simple question; what is it about Bianca that gets Drew going? I know, she’s hot and had that bad ass personality, which only added more to the hotness. But, I just don’t see what Drew sees.

I was so conflicted when it came down to Team Katie or Team Bianca. Both girls really love Drew but only one of them (in my opinion) is right for him. Can you guess who? That’s right, Katie! Katie saw Drew at his worst and didn’t leave. Katie saved Drew when he was drowning, she was his lifeboat, and he repays her by dropping her the minute Bianca comes back in the picture. That’s not right.

It’s not fair for Katie to save him when he was in need of being rescued. But, Katie was in a rough patch and he couldn’t even try to save her. It boggles my mind a little bit.

But, then I remember how much Bianca had to sacrifice to keep Drew safe. It showed me (I’m not sure about anybody else) how much Drew meant to her. A person that’s willing to sacrifice their own happiness for your life is worth keeping.

This whole entire scenario was crazy; Bianca pushing Drew to break up with Katie, Drew taking the chicken route by making up a fake girl, Katie crashing the party, Drew and Katie losing their virginities to each other, and so on. My head was hurting by the end of the episode.

At first when Katie showed up at his party and Drew told her to go upstairs, I knew something was going to down. I thought that Katie would remind Drew of how she saved him, and Drew would go back to her. I thought this was going to be another Craig, Manny and Ashley. But, I was surprised it didn’t end that way.

Drew taking away Katie’s virginity! Oh my Degrassi (OMD)! That’s just low. The most terrible part of it all was he didn’t even remember it. OMD! I honestly have to say, I felt so bad for Katie. I don’t think I ever seen someone so hurt. Katie was having the worst of luck. When Drew had asked her to keep it a secret, and not tell anybody, my mouth fell open. That made her sound like some dirty mistress or something.

At that moment, I had a fleeting thought; Katie should so tell Bianca that would be so sweet.

Maya vs. Her Body

Dallas is a prick for calling Maya flat and instilling doubt in her body. But, I have to say it was hilarious when Maya got one of those silicone rubber breast pads, and it fell out while she was in the middle of performing. But, maybe that needed to happen so she could finally see that having a hot body isn’t really everything.

I was so happy when Mo approached her and said, “We need you in this band.” Maya finally realized how musically talented she is.

The most important lesson to learn from all this is: when it comes down to a battle between talent and looks, talent will most likely win.

Congrats to Maya!!

The Return of Eli and Clare!

I am so happy Eli and Clare are officially back in Degrassi’s Pool of Love. (I just thought I should get that off my chest.)

So, at first I thought Eli was a being a bit standoffish because he was over Clare. I mean, he was trying to get her back in every way possible, even though it was clearly in the wrong ways. But, Clare wouldn’t budge. She was too busy getting it on and off with Jake. (Thank God that’s over – it was a total snoozer).

The scene between Eli and Clare in the party gave me goosebumps, when he said, “You knew I was leaving, there were twinkly lights; it was easy. I wanna know it wasn’t just some fleeting moment because there won’t always be twinkly lights. And if we’re gonna do this, you need to be all in.” Awww. And Clare said, “Eli, I am all in.”

I think Eli and Clare are starting off good; he isn’t crashing his car or burning his play on stage. He was so chill when Clare had to reschedule their date. So, I have high hopes for these two.


So, if I was giving grades I would give this overall episode of Degrassi an A+.   

Top Degrassi Friendships

22 Oct

Degrassi has had many friendships, and only a few have had that great chemistry, and that important definition of friendship, that definition that separates friends from family.

1.Emma and Manny


No other characters has had great chemistry like Emma and Manny. They may have had their arguments where hurtful things were said to each other but, that can’t compete with the other times where they had each other backs. They have plenty of history in their list of what makes a good friend.

2. Alli and Clare

Second greatest friendship in the show, some people may not approve of their friendship. They may be two different people, and some may agree that Alli is poison but Alli makes a great edition to Clare’s life and Clare makes a great edition to Alli’s life. They help each other in time of need, well mostly Clare, and have never have that backstabbing moment that every friendship eventually deals with.

3. Spinner and Jimmy

Boys will always be boys even after one was responsible for losing your ability to walk. Jimmy and Spinner, in its prime, have that type of relationship where one’s always bagging on the other and there’s more play fights than there are bonding. But, towards the end, the relationship matures especially when Jimmy forgives Spinner. Jimmy and Spinner showed us that a friendship can survive anything; even a shooting, one being paralyzed, and even cancer in the balls.

4. Marco and Ellie

They were an amateur version of Will and Grace. They gay stud goes out the pretty young teen but eventually turns out to be gay and they end up becoming one of the bestest friends. Ellie could turn to Marco in time of need. Marco is the chill dude that every friend can talk to and end up feeling better.

Degrassi Summer Event

7 May

Degrassi Summer Promo

Typically, Degrassi would provide us clips, with some nice enticing music, that would cause my mind to wander. I would attempt to decipher the footages. I would make educated guesses, and then as the show, goes on some of my predictions ended up being wrong and some were right. With this promo, it reaches a new level. That would mean that Degrassi is reaching a new level.

Sure, there aren’t any clips or even dialogues but this one little clip can leave your mind wandering. Bianca screaming, “Please stop!” This can mean multiple things such as Drew getting beat up, or somebody is getting stabbed, or someone is getting fight. The writer of Degrassi really has a dilly for its fans. Just wait and see.

Degrassi: Not your Average Show

7 May

Degrassi Through the Years

Degrasi doesn’t have a limited cast, it has a variety of characters with different personalities and can each bring something new to the show. Most shows have their characters that they have to bring a story plot to, just to make them interesting, and even bring an attachment towards them. However, Degrassi doesn’t always show their characters, they give us just enough footage for the viewers to become attended.

With the variety of characters, give them (the writers) an opportunity to explore them. What I love most about Degrassi is how quickly but gradually they introduce a new class, after saying goodbye to our fellow old ones. These newbie had have their moments, moments of suspense, happiness, love and etc. It was a huge transition, but it showed the viewers that Degrassi can go on even without the originals.

Degrassi has most definitely hit their boiling point, but not just in the summer but also throughout the year. Once again, they smooth in some new members to the show. It felt like they were there from the start. These new characters definitely contributed to the show. This is the first time in Degrassi history that it sent chills down my spine. They brought in all these characters with definite mystery.

Degrassi might not touch the topics like before but they certainly don’t need to. The show is of to a good start now, because they finally saw that they could something with these characters besides that pretty teen drama.

What I definitely love most about Degrassi is that it’s not so much attached the characters. The show is attached to the school, they’ll keep adding new characters to replace the graduates and so on and so on. Making it as realistic as possible, where they make Degrassi feel as if it’s a real school. However, it is hard saying goodbye to our beloved characters, but as the series continues, we’ll love the new characters.


2 Aug

Degrassi has covered numerous topics that we teenagers deal with. Some characters have dealt with issues in different ways. Some of the issues portrayed were drug abuse, eating disorders, rape, family issues, sexual orientation, pregnancy, depression, love triangles, bullying, abusive relationships, sex, online predators, mental disorders, self injury and etc.


There were 2 Degrassi characters that went through this dilemma, both were at different ages and both handled situation differently.

Manny Santos

Towards the middle of Season 3’s “Accidents Will Happen,” Manny understands that sex can lead to consequences. She realizes that when she misses her period and thinks she might be pregnant. She confided to Spike, whom gave her a pregnancy test, and it turns out she’s pregnant.

Manny was fortunate to have a stable support system, Craig and Emma. Craig, the father, was a little too supportive. I think he was supportive because he didn’t really have a stable family, and his fantasies of creating his own family left Manny unnerved. She realized that she wasn’t ready to have a child, so she gets an abortion. Craig wasn’t very pleased with that decision, but it was Manny’s decision. Of course that left Manny is a depressive state, but fortunately she had a good friend, J.T, to make her smile.

Liberty van Zandt

I couldn’t believe that this Straight A student whose parents are lawyers was pregnant. I couldn’t believe that her and J.T had sex. Honestly I didn’t think Liberty could be edgy.

In season 5’s “Foolin,” she had found out she was pregnant. Like Manny, J.T was supportive and promised to help take care of the baby even though they had broken up.

Liberty made the right decision of keeping the baby, and her and J.T got back together. J.T was being a responsible father by getting a job in a pharmacy, but does all that come crashing down when he starts selling drugs to Jay’s crew. Honestly, J.T wasn’t thinking of Liberty and how that would make her feel.

Liberty changes her mind and decides to give the baby up for adoption due to J.T and his drug overdose.

Liberty’s decision wasn’t exactly like Manny’s she went through with the pregnancy and then gave it up to people who would take care of the baby.

Sexual Orientation

3 characters in Degrassi were dealing with their sexuality, 2 handled it and 1 is still dealing with it.

Marco del Rossi

Marco came into Degrassi in season 3, he was a good-looking kid that had 2 girls fall for him. 1) Ellie Nash 2) Hazel Aden.

Marco went out with Ellie but viewed her as a friend; it was pretty obvious to Ellie that there was something wrong when he kept pulling away when they were making out. Marco came out to Ellie and Ellie said that she would pretend to be his girlfriend but not forever.

Marco finally came out in Season 3, though it was very hard for one person, Spinner, to deal with but eventually everybody was accepting. So, he dealt with like any other person he kept in for a while then eventually comes out.

Alex Nunez

We’re introduced to Alex in Season 3 as the rebellious girlfriend of Jay Hogart (who is her equal). She didn’t like Emma Nelson, they had a duel in the hallway (that was the first time I was actually afraid of Emma because she looked like she didn’t want to be messed with). She seemed like an evil chick but I believe somewhere inside that toughness she was caring and sweet. Like when she was running for president against, she could’ve thrown it out there that he was a fag but decided not to.

In season 5 “The Lexicon of Love,” we discover that Alex is a lesbian when she kisses Paige Michalchuk. Honestly, I thought Paige wasn’t gonna go for the relationship and that she was going to write Alex off. But, Paige tried this relationship and they were a cute couple. I respected this relationship.

Riley Stavros

It has been 2 seasons so far and this man has yet come out. He hasn’t shown people who the real Riley Stavros is. I don’t think he ever will. So far only 3 people know and that is Peter, Anya and Zane. He’s forking over a relationship because he’s afraid of what people will think. He needs to suck it up and come out already.


2 characters in Degrassi have dealt with being rape, both were two different types of rape and both dealt with it differently.

Paige Michalchuk

She goes to a party with Dean, a soccer player in Bardell, and she asks Dean to take her somewhere private, assuming that they’re going to make out, but he rapes her. At first Paige dealt with it the way any teenage girl would, keeping it quiet. But, eventually she goes to Ms. Sauve for counseling and presses charges. (Smart girl-Even though she didn’t win)

Darcy Edwards

She’s a good Christian girl who believes in chastity, she made a vow to God to stay a virgin till marriage. But all that goes out the window when she was raped in a ski trip. She did what an idiot would do which is leave her drink outside when she was in the bathroom. Someone at any second could’ve put a roofie in her drink and wait for her to fall asleep.

Darcy dealt with the situation like anybody would; she kept it to herself and went into a depressive state. She only told 3 people, Snake, Manny and Peter. Those “friends” should’ve been good friends and told the parents regardless of what Darcy says. But she finally came clean in Degrassi Goes Hollywood. Admitting it to the kids in Brat Camp. After coming clean she was back to regular Darcy.