Degrassi Showdown

12 Jul


I haven’t posted in the longest.You would’ve thought I had fallen off the face of the Earth. But, I haven’t. I’m still here. I’ve been a little too busy lately. But, it’s summer and you know what that means. It’s Degassi time!

I have been watching this promo on a loop. I love it. It’s by far the best promo Degrassi ever had. This is making anxious, I’m literally counting the days until the new season.

My favorite part of this video is the one with Maya and the hockey player. Even though this storyline has been around for centuries, it still gets to me. Two people from different worlds can’t be together. Not to mention the non popular gets the attractive boy’s attention. What I love most about this scene is the lighting and the softness of the music. It kind of gave me goosebumps.

What I don’t want to happen is Eli going out with that girl. I’m Team EClare (always have been and always will be). I’ve been waiting ages for Eli and Clare to get together, and nobody’s taking that away from me.

Katie vs. Bianca and Drew!

 First off, what is up with Katie’s hair? It just makes her look like another Bianca, but a physcho version of Bianca. I’m not sure if I’m Team Bianca or Team Katie. Bianca has made improvements in herself and Katie has always beenthe good girl till she gone bad. So, I don’t know whose better for Drew Torres here.

This promo was very breif, very simple and straight to the point. I hope “Degrassi Showdown” is as good as this promo is making it to be.

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