New Degrassi Promo

24 Sep

Going Postal

Principal Simpson is totally gone postal with these new enforcements. He reminds of my Principal, Charles Anderson, but Simpson is worse. No cell phone use!!! Really? Did you forget that these are teenagers? Asking a teenager to stop using their cell phones is like asking to fish to breathe without water. Detentions!!! Well, every school does that but it’s rare to see Degrassi hand it off like it was concert tickets. My sympathies go to the students, should everyone be punished just for 7 students’ mayhem.

“How can schools dictate how I choose to express myself?”

I’m with you Eli!! My schools order us to wear uniforms and if we don’t wear it we get detention. Clothes is a way to define ourselves, whether we like to wear black or designer clothes, it’s all up to us. Our clothes don’t make us who we are; it’s we, who make our clothes mean something. My Principal believes that if we dress professional and collegiate then we can act professionally. That’s total bull.

What the Fudge!!!

What is up with this new Clare? (Maybe she did changer herself for Eli) Clare was walking with some flare. Can’t she tell by Eli’s disgusted face that this does not attract him? Just for once, couldn’t Degrassi just keep the nice girl…the nice girl? Alli must’ve obviously gotten to her head. Why is she on top of Eli saying, “Come on, live dangerously.” Maybe she’s trying to make a point or something.

Dave vs. a Bully

Dave is one of my favorite characters. How can anyone not like Dave, he’s so funny and sweet? Dave is pushed to his limits, when he shoots a tazer at this guy. Honestly, I’m glad that it wasn’t a real gun because then I would’ve been pissed to see Dave go.

Bianca and Alli- Smack down!!!!

Bianca, super slut punches Alli, super girl, in the face. I can tell that punch had to hurt. Bianca looks like this tough chick not to mess with. I guess we know why Mr. Bhandari is disappointed in Alli. Do I hear suspension or worse EXPELLED!!!!!!! It’s obvious where this fight stems from, the whole Drew and Bianca rendezvous. They make it seem like Drew is Taylor Lautner or something. Now that I can understand, Taylor Lautner is so hot that I melted when I touched him. (sizzles)

*I really hope that this time Degrassi isn’t hyping it up like they did the last time. This time around they better live up to my expectations.*

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