Degrassi: All Falls Down prts. 1 & 2

31 Aug

Drew and Bianca

How could Drew cheat on Alli with a floozy? Seriously Drew, Bianca isn’t worth it, she’s not even worth on dime. Bianca is a home-wrecking tramp that isn’t happy with her life so she has to ruin other people’s lives. The way she was flirting with Drew, that girl must have balls to ask Drew un-button her sweater. What girl does that, unless she’s dying for some sex?

I was happy for Alli because I thought she was finally going to have a healthy, stable relationship for once but Drew had to mess that up. Alli should’ve totally kicked Bianca’s ass when she had the chance. It wasn’t like she didn’t know Drew had a girlfriend, she knew what she was doing.

Drew and Alli

Drew lying to Alli about the kiss is what most boys would’ve done. But, what is so hard about coming clean and telling the truth, cause you know the truth is going to come out eventually. Which will make the fight worse? It did because Bianca made it clear that Drew and her had oral sex. Bianca is an honest whore because at least she has the guts to tell the girl what her boyfriend is afraid to tell her.

Alli and Owen

Owen is a slime ball that takes the opportunity when he sees it. He smells vulnerability and takes advantage of it. Telling Alli some b.s about how she’s worth a million dollars. Alli like the dumb idiot she is, she falls for it. Owen says he’ll pay 50$ just to hook up with her, Alli wanted to make Drew jealous so she agreed to it.

I was thinking that Alli wanted to through that whole STI scare that she went through with Johnny. Who knows whom Owen has hooked up with or even how clean he is?

Alli didn’t want to hook up with Owen but Owen wasn’t quick to let her go. Drew comes to Alli’s rescue, what a superman.

Alli vs. Mrs. Torres

Mrs. Torres has become one of the most annoying characters I’ve seen in Degrassi. She’s abrasive and condescending, she’s always up Mr. Simpson’s ass about enforcing the rules or protecting her children. The way she disregarded Alli’s hand in the beginning of the episode just because she walked in on Alli and Drew kissing. Seriously, Mrs. Torres you’re the adult, you don’t treat a girl like that ever. If she‘d gotten there a few minutes earlier then maybe she would’ve seen that Drew and Alli were studying. Then she thinks Alli was trying to do something to Drew but not even realizing the tears on Alli’s face.

Clare and Eli

Clare and Eli kiss again!! Only this time it wasn’t for some English project. He just grabbed her and kisses her and that kiss was spicy. Boy does the romance end when Eli and Clare lie to Mr. Simpson about Fitz setting up the stink bomb. When in reality it was the beloved Clare Edwards. Clare, isn’t she suppose to be a girl of integrity then why is she doing this.

Clare and Fitz

Fitz finds out it was Eli, whom had lied to Mr. Simpson. Clare goes to the dance with Fitz so Fitz won’t hurt Eli. Eli acts all nonchalantly about the whole thing but in the inside his blood is boiling in his veins. Then goes up to Fitz and threatens him and Fitz says that he’s going to sleep with her. (He looks like that type). Then he tries to convince no to go to the dance with Fitz. Eli makes things worse when he tells Clare to slip Ipecac-Lace in Fitz drink.

The Dance

Fitz meets Clare and he shows up with a corsage (so cute). Clare is trying to be a Good Samaritan by asking Fitz to burry the hatchet. Fitz agrees to burry the hatchet if Eli apologizes. The only problem with that is that Eli isn’t budging. He then changes his mind because he loves Clare. But we all can smell he had something up his red-sleeves. He suggested that they make a toast, and Clare is aware of what Eli’s trying to do so she makes them switch cups. If only Clare had known that Eli was a smart fellow, Fitz still drank the Ipecac-Laced and ended up barfing. Damn it Eli! You couldn’t swallow your pride and let things go. Not even for Clare’s sake.

Clare sees Fitz pull a knife out his locker and makes a fast getaway. Clare’s going on a wild goose chase to find Eli, she finds Adam and tells Adam to call Mr. Simpson and tell him about Fitz. She then finds Eli, who won’t back down and be scare of Fitz. Well, that didn’t happen because you were definitely scared when you were face to face with Fitz. Luckily, the cops get there to arrest Eli.

Mr. Simpson is livid, he is adamant about the lies and betrayal of trust that lies in this school. The lies: Eli and Clare and the betrayal of trust: the striptease between Holly J and Sav. He delivers an enigmatic message: “There are going to be changes, big changes. When you come back from break…you won’t recognize this school at all”

2 Responses to “Degrassi: All Falls Down prts. 1 & 2”

  1. savannah may garceau February 26, 2011 at 8:31 pm #

    i love you degrassi and my favrite cople is eli and clare

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