Degrassi: Purple Pills prts. 1 & 2

29 Aug

Fiona vs. her Sanity

Another powerful performance by Annie Clark, Fiona Coyne has been growing on me this season. Most people may say she’s annoying or pathetic but I feel bad for her because she’s been put in this awful situation that it takes awhile to get over.

Just when things are going great with Fiona, her attorney has to show up asking for her testimony. Fiona like most girls going through this situation would rather it fall under an oblivion. However, her mother doesn’t want to drop the charges because no one abuses her daughter and gets away with it.

Fiona’s reaction after watching Bobby’s deposition pissed me off. Instead of retaliation or even being utterly angry, she starts feeling ambivalent. Bobby said he pitied her, called her emotionally unstable saying that she made the whole thing up. (If Fiona hadn’t posted those photos online or even kissed Declan, just so Holly J could back off then maybe he wouldn’t be calling her this). If I were Fiona, I would spit on that smug-son-of-a-bitch’s face and fight even harder.

Her doctor prescribes her pills so she can deal with this situation but Fiona rather use alcohol as some sort of anti-depressant. She does a smart by putting champagne on a water bottle so nobody can tell the difference. A mother should always know when there’s something wrong with their daughter even if their daughter is discreet.

When Fiona told her mother that she made it up I was peeved. Is she really going to let Bobby win? Is she going to let that asshole get away with it so he can be free to hurt other girls?

Luckily, Fiona had a good support system and that was Holly J. Holly J made Fiona watch that video again so Fiona could have the reaction that most girls would (if they’re innocent). She made Fiona not give up this fight.

Girls that are dealing with this situation need to understand that it’s not their fault that their boyfriends hit them. It’s their boyfriends fault because they don’t know what respect means.

Adam acting Melodramatic

Adam should understand that Eli likes Clare and Clare likes Eli, so he needs to back off and let them be. He needs to find some other friends, which is where Fitz comes into play. Adam wasn’t using his senses when it came to Fitz, obviously Fitz had no intention being your friend.

The whole Fight Club scene was stupid and messed up especially when they got Bianca to fight Adam. The guys believe Adam isn’t a boy, he’s a boy between the ears. Adam, adamantly, goes up to Fitz and punches him in his nuts. Fitz wants to fight Adam after school.

If Eli wasn’t a good friend would he have take a punch from Fitz and Clare, would she have set a stink bomb that could possibly get her in trouble? Adam doesn’t realize the friends he has.

Riley!! He’s In, He’s out, He’s In, He’s Out again!! Make up your mind!!!

Riley secretly signed him and Zane up for King and King at the Vegas dance, but he regrets doing it because it’s posted online. Which means that he’s “actually” out. Riley is forced to come out to the whole football team due to some idiot’s questions. Drew comes to rescue, which surprised me because weren’t they rivals once before.

But, Riley questions coming out after a scout from Eastern University came to see him. He fears that being a openly gay player will oust him from the team. Then Zane telling him about a gay-rights activist that got killed, he starts fearing that maybe the same thing will happen to him.

I was so proud when Riley didn’t turn the offer and when he kissed Zane in public. This is a sweet love in the process. I’m so proud of my Riley Stavros, I thought it was going to take forever for him to come out.

One Response to “Degrassi: Purple Pills prts. 1 & 2”

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