Degrassi: Tears Dry on Their Own prts. 1 & 2

27 Aug

Jenna’s Pregnant!!!

Jenna getting pregnant wasn’t something expected. They didn’t really focus on their relationship intimately; I honestly thought K.C was a virgin (Jenna is obviously not a virgin-I could just tell).

That’s the problem with teenage girls they’re so quick to throw it all away not even thinking about the consequences. Girls are so busy thinking that they’re grown women but the truth is a girl isn’t ready to do what a woman does. I feel sorry for Jenna but she should’ve been smart.

K.C pushing Jenna to get an abortion is what a guy will always do to a girl. I’m glad that Jenna put her foot down and decided to keep the baby. Getting an abortion could have negative repercussions both physically and mentally. You don’t know how a girl feels after getting an abortion. I’m glad that the writers didn’t make Jenna get an abortion because that sends a horrible message to girls. You might as well say ‘You Got Pregnant? Don’t Worry an Abortion Will Solve the Problem!’ Jenna is making the right decision to keep the baby.

The fact that K.C ran out on Jenna doesn’t look good on his part. I’m sorry that Jenna has to go through this alone, with the help of her brother of course, but the writers have to show girls that not every guy is a prince charming. 95% of the time guys are most likely to abandon their child and have the mother raise it all by herself. So I commend Degrassi for doing that so it can be an eye opener for girls who are sexually active.

Connor Continues with LoveQueen16

I’m glad that Connor didn’t get hurt but in the real world there are tons of kids who do get hurt with interacting with their “online buddy.” It was total falsehood when Connor was able to get out the car; obviously most pedophiles lock the door so the kid won’t be able to get out the car. This one wasn’t a smart one as you can see.

Connor is big retard for not putting his vibes out there; I could even sense something wrong here. If it wasn’t for Dave and Wes to get there in time, before Connor actually went home with her, then Connor would’ve been in big trouble.

I would be proud to have friends that look out for you like that. They told Simpson so they can help you man and now you can see they were right. Sometimes friends can be right and sometimes they can be wrong but it’s always good to listen to other people.

Anya and Riley

I was wondering where this friendship went, it’s been ages since Anya and Riley hung out. She is one of the people that know Riley’s in the closet. I actually like Anya and Riley’s frienship better than Leia and Anya’s friendship it seems healthier.

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