Degrassi: My Body is a Cage prts. 1 & 2

15 Aug

Adam vs. “His Body”

We finally get introduced to Adam’s storyline in these two episodes. We find out that Drew is Adam’s stepbrother, so he is aware of Adam’s situation.

The difficulties that transgender kids face is serious and I love the way the writers incorporated that in this episode. Transgender kids get harassed everyday, only because kids just don’t like seeing “freaks.” If only they understood that we all have a little “freak” in us.

Adam’s cover was almost broken when he drops tampons in front of Claire and Owen and the guys. But, the nice girl that Claire is she passes it as her own. Obviously Claire is aware that something is wrong here so she confides in Eli. Adam reveals somewhat of his life to Eli and Claire. He’s a guy born into a female’s body and that he likes girls. Claire and Eli are fine with it and those are what you call true friends.

Adam was crushing on Bianca (seriously) and he begins flirting with her. But when Bianca shoves him and feels man boobs. Bianca rips his shirt and sees Adam is a girl. Honestly what Bianca did was messed up. How the hell do you violate someone and ripped their shit? That Bianca is one aggressive chick. Maybe she should be the one whose transgender, totally acts like a dude.

Owen and Fitz are jackasses who don’t respect anyone even “girls.” They know that Adam is technically a girl and they go and throw her against the wall, all because she wanted to use the men’s bathroom.

Adam vs. His Happiness

Adam’s cover is broken and of course there are repercussions that have to be dealt. Principal Simpson, to ensure Adam’s safety, is having Adam escorted to class and he needs to use the handicap restroom. Which is super embarrassing for a person to go through? Honestly sometimes Adults “think” (the operative word) they know what’s best for juveniles.

Adam’s mother wants Gracie back, and what mother wouldn’t. No mother wants to loose their little daughter even if they’re getting a son in return. So Adam must understand where his mother is coming from. But, at the same time the mother needs to be there for their children even if they don’t accept their choices. I was hurt when his mother uninvited Adam to the dinner but has an open invitation for Gracie. A mother can’t force their children to be something they don’t want to be.

Adam comes to the dinner but as Gracie. If I was Adam I would’ve gone to the dinner dressed as myself and tell my grandmother the truth, even if it would hurt her because she can’t keep living with this lie.

Adam has burn marks on her arm and he does the unthinkable which is burning himself in public. Luckily Claire finds him in time and stops him and gives his some advice that we all need. We all try to change ourselves for other people’s happiness but the one thing that matters is that we’re happy. If you change yourself for other people then you slowly loose yourself in the process and then what are you left with. You’re left with someone you don’t even know anymore.

Anya vs. Bad News

I’m skipping part 1 because I have nothing to say about prt. 1. This is strictly about prt 2.

A child hearing that their mother has cancer is very hard, and overwhelming especially on a teenage girl. I felt bad Anya because she’s a sweet girl who doesn’t deserve this (in fact no one deserves this). I get teary eyed whenever I see her face because I know it’s tough for her to deal with it.

I almost cried at the dinner scene when she freaked out at her parents for being okay with it. I know for a fact that Anya will regret it eventually because everybody always feels bad for treating someone like crap. I understand where Anya’s coming from, she’s freaking out and can’t understand why this would happen.

I got teary eyed when Anya was looking at the Pompeii project and setting it off. The music was beautiful and Samantha Munro delivered an excellent job in this scene. She just watched as the volcano erupted, not even thinking about the project and how it would get ruined. It’s sort of symbolic because Pompeii is a beautiful place that gets ruined because volcanic eruption. All these people had no idea what’s going on and the minute they realize what’s going on, they’re scared and panicking. That’s what sort of happened to Anya, she wasn’t expecting her mother to have cancer. Her life was okay and it fell apart when she heard her mother had cancer. So the Pompeii project was Anya’s life and the volcanic eruption is her mother having cancer. (That’s my opinion)

The scene with Holly J and Anya was nice, I love how from one moment Holly J goes from harsh to sympathetic. Holly J coming clean about her and Sav and Anya disregarding as if she had not heard what Holly J said was nice. Anya can’t focus on stupid crap like that she has to pay attention to her mother and only her mother. It will kill her if her mother dies and she didn’t get to spend time with her. So that was very smart of the writers, sometimes they do things for a reason.

One Response to “Degrassi: My Body is a Cage prts. 1 & 2”

  1. Elizabeth Anne November 14, 2010 at 9:12 pm #

    Thank you! I was slightly confused on the topic of Adam, not having seen both of the 2 episodes where it is cleared up.

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