Degrassi: Better Off Alone prt. 2

30 Jul

K.C vs His Mother

K.C’s situation with his mother doesn’t justify getting drunk with losers named Bianca and Fitz. Leaving his mother and Jenna worried all night. Honestly K.C’s freaking out over nothing, his mother hasn’t even showed one sign of using so he should let the past go. That’s the problem with juveniles they generate a lot of problems and have no regard for their parents.

K.C starts acting up on the football field and Mr. Armstrong notices something wrong. He does what a typical teacher would do which is talk to K.C and let K.C know that he can do anything to help him. Why do teachers do that? They believe have the capacity or time to aid us in need. But, really they don’t. We students aren’t so dense; we don’t actually believe that you’ll stick to your word. You’ll break your promises just like we juveniles do.

Mr. Armstrong does break his word when K.C asked him if he could testify saying that he’s better off without his mother. Gee I wonder what Mr. Armstrong has to say, he says no. He says to K.C that he’s just his coach.

K.C is so livid that he sees Mr. Armstrong’s car and keys it. He wasn’t thinking when he did that and he wasn’t thinking that he’d get caught.

Honestly I thought it was sweet of K.C to move back in with his mother. Mother is nothing without her child, so I know why his mother couldn’t let K.C stay at the group home. I was touched when K.C said that he missed his mother. See, you could always loathe someone externally but internally you know there’s a remaining piece that loves them.

Eli and Clare

Claire detects something is wrong between her parents. Her father has working a lot lately and her mom and dad have been disputing daily. She asks her mother if there’s something wrong and her mother says no. Parents we’re not dense, we can tell if there’s something wrong because we’re your children.

Eli, her man to come to for advice, persuades Claire that he should write what she’s feeling for literary assignment. Claire gets in front of the class and reads it; she gets a little emotional and couldn’t continue. Eli suggests that Claire should read that in the showcase and Ms. Dawes insists.

Claire is nervous because she can’t read this piece because her mother is there. So, she chickens out and goes home. Her mother asks her what’s wrong and Claire says this is the piece I was going to read. Her mother reads it and Claire opens up to her mother. They exchange sentiments about the situation; Claire’s mother says she’s going to talk to her husband. Good job Claire, I’m glad you were so forthcoming and got your feelings out. Thanks to Eli Goldsworthy.

Alli Breaks Dave’s Heart

Dave invites Alli to the Dot and Alli turns him down. Dave thought that when Alli was talking about her boyfriend she was talking about him. But, his heart breaks into a million pieces when he realizes that she was talking about Drew. The way Alli responded was so conceited, she whispered, “so cute.” Poor Dave, there’s better girls than Alli Bhandari.

Alli and Drew: They aren’t a Couple

Alli believes that if a guy and a girl have a make out session that automatically means they’re together. For someone to actually be your boyfriend doesn’t it have to be a mutual agreement? Doesn’t Drew have to say the ok?

I don’t even feel like wasting time examining this “relationship” because Alli annoys me so much. Can’t she just take a hint? It’s pretty obvious that Drew isn’t into her he just wants a little make out every now and then. I’m just glad he doesn’t want to get in her pants. That’ll really piss me off.

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