Degrassi: Better Off Alone prt. 1

29 Jul

K.C vs. His Mother

Things in K.C’s life are starting too look now but all that comes crashing down the minute his mother comes back into his life. She shows up, unexpectedly, at his football game and K.C doesn’t look excited. She hasn’t seen her son in almost 3 years, can K.C cut her some slack. A kid will never understand a parent’s love for their children.

K.C gets even more upset when the mother says she’s filing for custody. K.C believes that his mother is going to ruin his life again. But, the mother says she’s been clean. This reminds me of Eli and her mother, her mother had a drinking problem and Eli moved out to live on her own and her mother asks Eli for one more chance. But, at least Eli gave her a second chance. Why can’t K.C give his mother a second chance?

K.C feels like his hands are tied when he realizes there’s nothing he can do to stop this. He’s not even listening to his mother when she says she’s been clean for some time. Can’t he just give her one chance?

I’m guessing not since he’s searching through his mother’s apartment trying to find evidence that she’s not a fit mother. Wow K.C, you’re really going to far. No but he takes things too far once he finds a bottle of Alcohol that he’s going to lie and say his mother gave that to him. Honestly, K.C’s really pissing me off. Consider him not one of my favorite characters anymore.

Alli’s Desparation

Alli’s still going on about her little plan to get Drew, but can we say that she’s a little compulsively obsessed. Please don’t let it be a repeat of Johnny, Johnny wasn’t right for and neither is Drew in my humble opinion. Can’t she just go out with a guy like Dave?

Dave has been playing it cool, acting as if Alli is an indifference to his life. Hoping that Alli will come to him, but yet she does. Just to ask him for advice about a guy whom she’s interested in. Dave automatically assumes it’s him, (Poor Dave), but it’s not. Dave gives Alli the idea to throw a party.

Alli does throw the party and invites Drew to come. Drew does come and they were having fun playing “ I Never.” Alli kind of got her wish when they made out at the end, when everybody was gone.

Honestly Alli is going to break Dave’s heart and nobody will be there to pick up the pieces. But, will Drew break Alli’s heart, is the question we all should be asking.

Clare and Eli: a Sweet Love in the Making

Claire and Eli get paired up as partners for English class, they can both edit each other work. Claire isn’t happy with that on the outside but I’m sure on the inside she’s happy.

Things at home don’t start looking great; her parents are constantly arguing and bickering. I can smell a divorce coming; it’s always the first sign to a divorce/separation. Parents don’t understand that when you fight it damages the kid.

Claire wrote her paper for English and asks Eli to look over it. She decides that the paper isn’t good enough and can’t hand it in. Eli suggests that she cut class, at first I thought Claire wasn’t going to go along with it but I guess I was wrong. I smiled when Claire asks Eli to join and Eli gets up and joins her.

Honestly, there whole interaction was funny. Eli says the same thing that K.C says when they first met, “you care too much what people think.” Claire does the same thing and denies that she does. Both, Eli and K.C made Claire do something so embarrassing. K.C made Claire go in front of the school and sing a hymn. Now Eli makes Claire scream in the scream, making her look like a freak. What was that little moment of grabbing and holding between these two. I can smell love in the air, it’s about to reign on these two.

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